My Actifit Report Card: May 9 2024, Alive and Thriving! A Few Bike Rides, and a Snake!


Hello friends and happy Thursday afternoon/evening I wish you and want to thank you for your visit!

This is a report for yesterday's activities, as usual it took awhile to get over the "5000 step count", but I made it!

So besides the normal morning routine I took a few bike rides yesterday (and everyday really) and went through the neighborhood to the Park as usual.

On the way I saw a "CCW" (Corpus Christi Water) truck on the side of the road with flashing lights and this one was crossing the street!

Another view after it got up the ledge,

Well after a few moments everyone went their separate ways. The Snake (Bull Snake, or Gopher Snake) went on his way. Actually a "needed" predator here due to the amount of Gophers.

I headed onward to the Park on the Green Bike,

And saw these Ocean Kayakers coming down the Coast in the Channel,

After they got a little closer,


I think they may have been somewhat unhappy about something, so I left the area as they did come ashore.

I rode home and ate lunch and headed back out on the Black Bike to the Park,

And saw that earlier today they were doing some Construction. I guess they quit for the day, and parked the Shovels like this,

A little closer,

I thought it looked pretty cool how they crossed the Shovels!
And other wise I caught this Blackbird heading out over the Channel,

And this Seagull flying by the Fishing Pier,

And that's about it!
I do want to thank you for your visit, and wish you a Blessed, Amazing Thursday evening!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Cycling, Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking
5.10 ft
120 lb
Body Fat
29 in


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