Snake VS spider: The office showdown with grace

What's up Hive!

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Been a minute since I last got inspiration to come out of hibernation but I liked the topics in the week-end engagement thingy and thought maybe I could have a little fun with it. I don't always participate but when I do, I like to color outside the lines a little. Not sticking to the rules enough to necessarily make it but too weird to pass up. Ah the dilemma. Ok, lets at least start somewhere with the more serious side of the entry requirements/topics. In case you want to participate, here is the link to additional details.


I was at work, since I generally work night shift, there some weird creepy things out there lurking in the shadows behind pylons and boxes. We don't always see them but if you walk by, they jump out like vampires, luckily, I had my silver stake as I somehow happen to be walking by at random while some dude was about to get attacked...What!?! I swear it's real!! I swear, I have actual footage of my victory celebration wearing my best dress...look how happy I was, I had stars in my eyes and wearing my best bling. Can't make that shit up! 😆🤣


Alright, I'll take a brief pause from my fuckery. Actual real life version of events. There was this new foreman that was treating me like a moron despite me having worked for the company for a decade. Being a contract worker, my first day can actually be my 25th first day at the same plant. I didn't take too well to his condescending ways. Naturally, I got into my dragon personality elements and that fire burns hard. So hard that I got written up for insubordination by first coffee on the first day. To this day, I probably still wear that as a badge of honor.

I was in the right and I wasn't backing down while he was trying to intimidate me and his ego had several visible explosions leading up too it, loosing sanity faster and faster. The GF recommended to just leave me alone but nope. I got Hauled in the office took my licking like a good little dragon. When he was done, I morphed into an even bigger one and slung the arrows right back and hard. They went right thru the enlarged head without stopping.

Once again, actual live footage of us having it out in the office. No wonder the GF didn't want to get involved. If the fire is hot enough to melt steel, ouch. I was wearing my favorite spiky hardhat with silver spikes that doubles as a vampire stake just in case...Never know...Night shift can get weird, that's why I go incognito in the form of a spider, nobody ever sees the dragon coming.

He looked at the GF with a cocky smile thinking he had me chained and ready for the slaughter, not yet realizing everything was punctured and it was just a matter of time until it all collapsed like the air blown blast proof lunchroom that ran out of power and collapsing. The Gf had his head in his hands and hiding his face shaking it side to side.

I told you not to do this Bro. I'll just watch...this should be good.

I was right and good with my words that even when I do get in trouble and step out of line a little, I can get away with some stuff because of the skill and experience, also the fact that I was right on the work procedures and the foreman was wrong and it would have caused a lot of damage to repair or rework. Obviously, those are one of those times you can color outside the lines a little with a few extra street creds in the bank.

Over the course of the next few days, tempers were still flaring regularly but he knew he needed my skill and and become the only one he trusted with the work because everyone else had fuck ups that gave him headaches and the number of workers to assign to the task was dwindling and he hated the fact that he did indeed need me. We eventually learn to just accept that we both have dragon personalities and it is what it is.

Dude, you can take me into the office and write me up every day and I'll follow you and laugh at it everyday. Can you're ego really handle another deflation? Has it recovered already?

One day, we were on a scaffold platform about 10 to 15 feet high as he was doing the hands on the work to confirm what needs to be cut and removed and there is no room for error and the wall isn't strait but turns into a weird cage form and comes back while he gets information on my plan of action to handle such as a pre-planning type task walk.


There was a flaw in the scaffold and there was an exposed corner where the barriers weren't up to code and instructed him to get a scaffolder to come secure the inadequacy before I would begin work. Also why we do hands on task walk-thrus, to identify safety deficiencies and getting the right people on it before they get too many requests and the wait becomes longer. He forgot that there was a deficiency on a section and went to lean back against the railing that wasn't there by habit while we talked. No Bueno Bro! No bueno.

Just as fast as he did, he suddenly realized what he had done and what was about to happen and he had a horrified look. No doubt! I reached for him and it became well...intensified. More horrified? Because of our personality conflict, the thought that I may use that as the perfect option to help him get down faster, foremans we don't like...wouldn't be unheard of in my line of work.

Instead my 120 pound self grabbed on to connected rigging equipment that was already placed on the pieces I was about to cut out as a demo as to how I planed to secure the piece so it didn't go swinging once it was cut free along with grabbing the thickest part of the collar that I knew wouldn't rip from our old patchy 10 year old company supplied coveralls we all like to make fun of and pulled his 200 pound ass back up before weight and gravity danced into disaster and made to heavy for my tiny wonder woman strength that matches my tiny Mussolini attitude.

WTF! How did you do that! Who the fuck are you! Now I'm kinda glad you didn't punch me out when we were in the office duking it out! Because that happens too.

Nothing supernatural, I was in Tae-kwon-Do as a kid and some of our routines required us to grab ppl by the collar and swing them over us in a a body slam like fashion. On soft mats obviously, we were like 8. Probably wasn't real martial arts either, maybe a white washed small town knock off version of it but doubtful a room full of 7-10 year old brats would notice the difference if we were allowed to kick and punch each other without getting in trouble for a couple of hours, we felt like little ninjas anyway. There is tricks to weight shifting. So I used my Tae-Kwon-Do knock off ninja wannabe skills. It just looks impressive because I'm built like a string bean. Did I save his life? Maybe but no doubt a serious injury would have occurred from the fall indeed. I had officially tamed his dragon.

Moral of the story, yes I could have taken advantage of the situation but I'm just not like that. Despite my dislike for him, I still did the right thing and helped him out of the goodness of my heart for a fellow human, the basic level of compassion anyone deserves. I saw that even under pressure I put my feelings aside and still displayed integrity. We both spiritually grew from that experience. This should cover three of the topic options with one bird. Well he didn't get attacked by another human but he did get attacked by gravity...still counts right?

May Actual work footage photos are under review to be exhibited at the louvre, I think my art will get in. My shots are good. Looks so real you couldn't tell it's not a photo 😜. Doing some of our morning safety paperwork, one section required us to put a drawing of the work so I got a chance to really sharpen my artistic and realism skills. I'm multi talented folks!

He was ok after, if he disagreed, he would at least watch and wait, actually learned faster and safer ways to do bull work with less bull. He watched my move an entire 80 foot section of wall to line it up to be welded in like 20 minutes and helped me do it. That's never gonna work went to what the fuck are we gonna for the next 3 days? That's how long they expected to last as we worked on small sections at a time using an archaic strategy that was hard hammer work. I'm not the hammering type, watch this. As welders, there is a lot of loop holes to exploit.

As welders, we are the only trade that can actually build our own tools legally in this province, right at our work area. Most plants frown upon that because of liability but using the same grade material to certain section and to weld them up to 70 000 pounds of operating pressure as what we are required and trained to do, it's gonna take a lot to bust that so and whatever my silly lazy mind was Mcgyvering, it was not going to exceed that...She was gonna hold! I had safety measures in case it didn't.

There are tricks to that too to know when a weld is about to let go. We are metallurgy ninjas. I learned those pressure tricks both with pressurized wedged tools or the good old dog and 4lb hammer to fit the edges of the pieces to be assembled with sometimes having to move and line up distorted pieces that can be anywhere from 3 inches to 6 inches thick rolled steel plate. It is an art to move the most amount of steel possible with the least amount of energy exhorted. It's actually amazing to put in practice and learn this stuff, how to manipulate different things steel related.



Ok back to my ninja life saving skills learned as I mastered the skills between life and death, I did plunge into a cold pond on a warm summer day with all my clothes on just having rolled up my jeans passed my ankles to rush to the aid of a drowning dragonfly. Speaking of dragons, I needed an actual picture just so you can compare how accurate and life like my drawings are compared to a real photo. Bet you could never tell the difference! After saving the dragon fly from drowning, it was so stunned and tired that she clung on to thumb for almost an hour allowing me a nice close up session while she rested. She was holding so tight, I could feel the tip of her tiny paws digging in my skin but it didn't hurt, more like a tickle.



I suppose you could say sometimes yes but if it shapes your behavior, you probably should consult a therapist because these are butterfly mating rituals as they court each other during mating season. Taken from a sanctuary.



Alright, I know I'm disqualified because a photo is a meme and not mine but I don't know what ecency points are let alone what one does, I just wanted to poke a little fun and display my revolutionary drawing skills...I'm for hire in case anyone is interested in an exact replica portrait of themselves. 🤡


it's a great entry and an interesting story, I liked your photos of the dragonfly.


Thank you! I liked my little friend, she was a fun photoshoot.
