Happy Caturday: the big orange cat came back for a brief visit.

The train journey was much more comfortable than usual as the weather was very cloudy and wet the whole day. The temperature inside the train wasn’t too hot as on a hot sunny day. These ordinary day trains were quite old and weren’t maintained properly. That’s probably why the tickets were much cheaper than those new Chinese made trains which were serviced as express night trains. Luckily. As the train arrived at Nongkhai station, the heavy rain stopped to allow my ride back to the countryside.


Joan’s sleeping on my bed last night.


The dirt road was very muddy and the trees along the road seemed much bigger and taller. Traveling at night along this road could be quite spooky. The drive of tuk-tuk was relieved that the rainstorm gave us a break as he had to get back home an hour late. My orange cat, Kwan was meowing loudly but she waited for the noisy vehicle to leave the front yard. Then she ran to me and complained loudly for ten minutes.


I didn’t know that my cat had very good memory and could be very emotional. Kwan behaved like a little kid with straightforward personality. She’s completely honest about how she felt on various things. I was glad my cat was always very considerate and trued so hard not to disturb me. Last night I found her sitting on the railing while a new intruding cat was sitting on the ground. I did tell her to make noises and call for help so I could come to her rescue. But she just sat and waited on the railing outside my door waiting for me to open the door.


Sometimes my sixth sense would suggest to me that I should take a look at the garden. Then I would spot the run away intruding cat on the garden. Kwan was glad I finally came to rescue her. I should listen to my inner voice more often. I was disappointed that Joan, the big brother of Kwan, didn’t appear at our house for two weeks. So, I concentrated my mind and sent him a message, telling him to drop by soon.


Kwan’s always very dramatic in her sleeping postures. She thought she could fly like a bird.


The light clean air and vibes from surrounding trees always gave me restful deep sleep. The nature around here has always been very healing and calming for my mind. To my surprise, Joan appeared at the door in the morning. Kwan was overjoyed to see her brother again. She kept close by his side. But Joan was rather indifferent to his sister. They had breakfast together in the kitchen downstairs.


I had to spend some time giving Joan and Kwan back massage. I had to keep the bonding among us healthy. They also loved to have body massages. Both cats knew the routine very well. They came to the kitchen and sat there waiting for their snacks. I had to give them some wet food twice a day as if they also needed coffee and tea breaks like I did. Then they would go to sleep at their usual spots. Kwan would sleep in her basket in the east table while Joan would sleep on my bed. They had stopped sleeping together two years ago. I wished they would always remember their family bonds.



I sneaked around quietly trying to take photos of sleeping orange cats. But their ears were always too sensitive and they caught me with my mobile phone most of the time. They told me off with the unhappy expressions on their faces. They couldn’t understand why I kept approaching them with a box in my hand during their sleep. So, they wouldn’t cooperate with my photography session. They wouldn’t look at the camera. Any way, I was very happy to see Joan again. He still could receive my telepathic messages and he did respond to my request. I hoped that I could develop my telepathic communication with cats as well as with some people. This could be very useful and handy in the future.


Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


I have two cats residing in our house and we treat their rest time as sacred because we don't want to bother them while sleeping lol

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Thank you very much for your kind support. Cats are very special and smart beings; they could be very affectionate and considerate too.

Have a nice weekend.


Hi Ginger Cat!!!
My ginger cat always comes to visit me when I go feed her and her friends 😅


Thank you! Ginger cats are quite special. They are very smart and affectionate. Would love to see photos of your friendly ginger cats too.
