A Day In My Life- How I Fell Terribly Sick And How My Day Eventually Ended



Hello everyone in the hive blockchain. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Welcome to my blog.

This is my first time posting in this lovely community. I’ve read the rules and regulations and also the guide and tips on how to write an interesting post in this community. It’s all cool. And I hope to share more of my daily experiences in this community.

One of my good hive friends @depressedfuckup introduced me to this community. Actually, it has been a long time since he told me about this community, but I’ve not had the courage to click that subscribe button and share my experience. Well, after postponing many times, I finally decided to click on the subscribe button. Woohoo. I’m finally here.

Playing football is my hobby, and it is also my talent. I started playing football at a very young age (in my mom’s womb or maybe in elementary school). I was so close to choosing football as a career, but something tragic happened and I gave up on that dream. My mom also hates football. She always says it is the easiest way to get yourself injured and she’s always angry whenever she sees me playing football.

But I just can’t do without playing football. It’s a part of me that no one can change. About four days ago, I wasn’t feeling too well. I was having a slight headache. Do you know the type that pinches slightly? Yeah, that one. I’m a University student who lives in a rented apartment with about 40 housemates. Every evening we play football in the compound.

I didn’t want to fall sick. I hate being sick. The idea of being sick saddens me. I dislike seeing people sick. And whenever I’m sick, I remember the days when I was sick and could do things myself. I don’t know what pushed me, but I decided to play football with my friends hoping the headache will magically disappear. I did a dumb thing, right? Yeah, I was so dumb.

After dribbling and scoring a couple of goals, the headache worsened. It became so bad that I had to stop playing football and withdrew to my room to rest. It was at that point I knew I had messed up. Not only did the headache worsen, but I also started to shiver and sweat.

That night was a terrible one. I couldn't sleep because my temperature was not normal (very hot) and it was as if someone was banging a hammer on my head. After using paracetamol I managed to sleep for a few minutes only to wake up sweating profusely. I took my bath and thankfully I slept off afterward.

I woke up that morning and I was unable to do anything. I was as weak as God knows what. My roommate cooked rice and stew. It looked so delicious, I stared at it and I was not able to take a spoon. I couldn't do anything at all. Thanks to my roommate who helped me out.

I couldn't write my posts well. So I had to wait till evening when I had strength. Thanks to @quduus1 who was there to motivate me to write. He was also experiencing some issues that prevented him from writing posts earlier. He motivated me to write while I did the same.

I managed to visit the school clinic and they gave me some drugs. I know drugs are not meant to be sweet, but this one is extremely bitter. Not only is it bitter, but it is also big. I'm still on the drug, but now I have the strength to do things.

For the past 3 days, my roommate has been cooking the meals, but this morning I decided to take over. Although I didn't directly cook something, I did prepare it, so it counts. Bread and tea! The most simplest and light food to consume.

Growing up, I hated bread and tea. I remember there was a time I threw up when my siblings made me eat bread and tea. But when u gained admission into the university, I had no choice but to get used to it. You can't imagine a university student starting to cook while preparing for a 7 Am class. The best thing to do is just to prepare and eat bread and tea.

Recently, a friend of mine gifted me this red mug. I don't know what I did to deserve such a nice gift. I guess I must've been a good friend all year. I collected the gift wholeheartedly. And today is the first time I used it. It has a nice handle which makes it easier to grab.

There are different brands of milk and tea. They all taste well, but the one I love the most is peak milk and bournvita. I mean, the combination goes so well. That's why I always buy it.

It took me about 15 minutes to arrange everything. I couldn't have done it alone, thanks to my hostel mates who helped me out. I managed to click some amazing photos. I hope you like them.

After snapping and doing everything. My roommate was already getting angry. His stomach was rumbling, I could hear it from outside. One of my hostel mates sells bread. I bought 2 loaves. It cost #1000 (about 3 dollars). I took it to the room and we both enjoyed it.

I would've loved it if we toasted the bread, but the electricity in my school is so bad. So I just had to manage it like that.

Thanks for reading.

All images in this article are mine.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Sorry about the sickness, man. I hope you’re doing great now. I read @quduus1’s post but I thought he just meant you guys didn’t feel like writing.

Man 2 loaves of bread for $3? Wtf. You’ll get 2 loaves for a dollar here. I’m schoked!


Hehe. It depends in the type of bread sha. There are some ones that are lesser.
