RE: NOTHING IS DONE UNTIL IT'S DONE: A powerful anthem about Climate Change and a music video that has been several years in the making, filmed in the aftermath of wild fires


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Many people feel concerned and worried about the continuation of the beauty of our earth's home.

Many people have done something to save the continuity of the earth for our children, grandchildren, and the generations after us, but some of it is just words with no real action.
Even we ourselves, with our small actions, do not show that we love this planet. One small example is, "Do you still throw non-degradable plastic waste on the ground in your backyard?"

You're absolutely right, @yidneth. That our greatest strength lies not in words alone but in the unity of all of us. We must all act together!

If only everyone on every inch of this earth wanted to act, even just to throw their inorganic waste on the ground, then this earth would remain beautiful forever.
Everyone is doing something, like your very cool project. You have acted very well, according to your capacity. I agree to share it so that more people are awakened to take action.

It's really a very cool project, and you have worked very hard. I wish you success.


thank you for notiticing the effort. And I agree, simple changes could change so much. We are just lacking the synergy and indeed I believe this is a topic that should be contrasted with facts and not with politics. It's become a tool to "divide" rather than to unite us, though, so it's easy to lose hope about a possible change. But we MUST try
