[ENG-SPN] Stories / Historias


The locals say and this is confirmed by a beautiful inscription located next to the old church, that in this town, located near the imposing Sierra del Guadarrama, the famous Archpriest of Hita - whose glosses enrich our medieval legacy, next of the brilliance of authors, such as Jorge Manrique - was much more impressed by the captivating beauty of a young shepherdess than by this surprising temple, which today is considered one of the best exponents of Romanesque art in Spain.


Of harmonious proportions and equipped with a spectacular bell tower, this beautiful sacred building, which has its roots in the 12th century - in some way, 'the century of enlightenment' of the Middle Ages, metaphorically and comparatively speaking - and dedicated to The figure of the mythical Archangel, Saint Michael, still continues to be an open book, which, like the story of the Archpriest, tells, to anyone who dares to enter the pages of his sculpture, stories of a world, of a way of feeling and of men, who, whether we like it or not, were the precursors of our modern society.


Dicen los lugareños y así lo confirma una bella inscripción que se localiza junto a la vieja iglesia, que en este pueblo, situado en las proximidades de la imponente Sierra del Guadarrama, el célebre Arcipreste de Hita -cuyas glosas enriquecen nuestro legado medieval, al lado de la brillantez de autores, como Jorge Manrique- quedó mucho más impresionado por la cautivadora belleza de una joven pastora, que por éste sorprendente templo, que hoy en día está considerado como uno de los mejores exponentes del Arte románico en España.


De armónicas proporciones y dotado de una espectacular torre-campanario, este hermoso edificio sacro, que hunde sus raíces en el siglo XII -de alguna manera, ‘el siglo de las luces’ de la Edad Media, metafórica y comparativamente hablando- y dedicado a la figura del mítico Arcángel, San Miguel, todavía continúa siendo un libro abierto, que, al igual que la historia del Arcipreste, narra, a todo aquél que se atreva a introducirse en las páginas de su escultura, historias de un mundo, de una manera de sentir y de unos hombres, que, nos guste o no, fueron los precursores de nuestra moderna sociedad.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



These buildings I am so sure, there are a lot of history attached to this which is awesome


I think the churches that have always been built back then always look big just like this
They are always gigantic


They were built in an eminently artisanal way, to last and always following the concepts of Sacred Geometry. For this reason, they are also an invaluable heritage, both historical, artistic and cultural.
