Weekend Activity: Relocating to our permanent site.
Hi Hivians!
It's Friday! Another weekend to relax after a long weekday of activities. Today, I want to share some throwback pictures of what happened two weeks in my institution.
If you look closely you would discover we were uploading furnitures into the lorry. Yay! My prestigious institution, University of Uyo has raised a new structure somewhere within the state, Akwa Ibom. We were moving to our permanent site as instructed by the vice chancellor.
I got to understand that the institution has begun a secondary school education, thereby expanding geometrically to the extent of boarding students in the campus. It was on this note my faculty and some departments who were still in that campus were asked to join the remaining faculties at the permanent site.
Initially we had been in this annex campus for over 15 years, but this time we are glad we are having our new structure. So my weekend activities two weeks ago was to help pack the necessary documents and furnitures to our new place. It was a hectic one because the turnout of students for the work was not appreciating; however, we were able to achieve it to a certain extent.
Gladly, we were assisted by the nonacademic staffs who serve in the department of work for the institution. Finally, we were able to finish up everything at exactly 3:40pm.
Hopefully, this coming weekend won't be as hectic as expected. It's gonna be a work free day!
To my fellow Hivians I wish you a happy weekend ahead, cheers.
Good luck bruh...we going to miss you guys here
We'll miss you guys too.
Don't worry, you guys will join us soon
Wow that's great and a little bit stress oo
Yes @etorobong
But I was relieved later in the day
Congratulations on the new building. It is always gratifying to know that universities are expanding and growing in infrastructure. For the good of the country.
Thank you very much friend @tibaire
The educational system is actually improving, I must say.
Thank you for stopping by