Family- a blessing and a curse


The Blessing

JB Smith house Bellville1b.jpg
↑The home of my great grandfather James Bell Smith, founder of Bellville Ga↑
Pre Covid, my family, both those descended from Roscoe (my specific family branch) and those descended from the son of JB Smith, Daniel Harrison Smith had yearly reunions

Daniel Harrison Smith.jpg

The DH Smith reunion has been going in a continuous line for nearly a century.

Lovick Pierce, Commodore Beecher, English Gartrell and Roscoe Thurman.jpg
↑four of the children of DH Smith, on the far right is my grandfather Roscoe↑

When I was small, there were SO MANY cousins and family that it had to be held at the Tattnall Campground, a place for religious meetings that was also founded by my ancestors


By the time I began attending once more in Bellville Ga,
!pinmapple 32.11146 lat -81.97225 long Church and cemetery d3scr
it had dwindled to sometime 50 people, with some of the family lines not having been heard from in years

Family Tree.jpg

I missed it last year when it restarted after covid. I'm told there were a great many more attending last year than this one

2023 group.jpg
↑This was a sad turn out↑
But it was great to see everyone once more. I did not take my keyboard, but I DID donate my older PA which I've not used in a couple of years, 4 ch 100 w amp head (mono) 2 speakers w/ about 40 ft of speaker cable and one mic w/cord.

But I'm ahead of the story, Since I can't drive at night anymore, and it's a nearly 3 hr drive one way, and since MY car is a 2011 with a good amount of miles, I always rent a car, drive down on Saturday, do the reunion on Sunday and drive home intent to avoid the afternoon sun in my eyes and get here before dark.
I'd reserved a compact car middle of last week, to be picked up Sat morning.
When I got there, the guy behind the counter said "Would a Mustang be alright?"
I spluttered and said "Same Price?"
Yep, so this was my ride this weekend


Never have I ever driven a convertible.
I LIKED it! ha ha ha

↑Donated PA and some peppers↑

Aside from the pain of getting in and out of something that low, this was about the most comfortable ride down and back I've ever had. 30+ mpg too!

The Curse

I only have one full sister of all my siblings, and she only had two children, a boy and a girl.
The boy has been trouble almost from birth, he is one reason I am in Atlanta now. He hates me, he blames me for all the bad things that have happened in his 59 yrs, most of which were really his poor choices and decisions.
He has been married several time, has at one son (I think) has never been able to hold a job so he can't pay child support. He has disability for Anger Management (which is why he can't hold a job) and gets Ga SSI (supplemental Income).
After his last wife finally divorced him about 8 months ago, he has been living with his mama, my 77 yr old sister.
It was constant turmoil and arguing (he blames her as well) and Friday night my nephew (with whom I stayed overnight Saturday) contacted me to say

"Uncle Jerry, you should know Cliff (the son) and Linda (my sister) had a fight this afternoon and Cliff is now staying at the old River Cabin area in a pull behind trailer."
I later found more details, that he had HIT my sister in the face, knocking her to the floor with her striking her head on some furniture on the way down, climbed on top of her and was choking her, but she somehow got him off before he killed her.
She had called the Sheriff and they came to make him leave, and said "there will be warrants issued" (She is worried that she might be taken into account somehow as well)

SO, of my plans had been to GO to the old river property, spend some time alone in the peace and quite, reliving memories of better times, but now that was impossible. I stayed with Joseph, who has raised his family right on the bank of the river on a bluff, this was my view from the bedroom window Sunday Morning

Bedroom Window.jpg
I DID walk around with my high dollar camera, and got a few shots, but with my bad hip there was no way I could climb down that embankment, and I got a neat video of the 'steam' rising from the rivers surface in the cold morning air



Growing up, this would have been considered low for the river, but this is the most water I've seen flowing in it for years; Joseph said that a couple of weeks ago it was actually overflowing the banks and into the woods!
I would have loved to have seen that

This Live Oak has been there all my life, I once lusted after building a tree fort or something in it. It is at the bottom of the hill at the beginning of the flood plain

↑This is also a live Oak, but it is above the flood plain up on the bluff.↑
As you can tell, it took me 4 images to get all this vine, the tree and vine are at the top of the river bank

Composite Tree.jpg

An imperfect splice, but you get the idea
In all that time, we were fairly certain that my violent nephew who was down at the river property didn't know I was at Joseph's house, but after I got home, Joseph said Cliff had seen me walking across Joseph's yard, so he knew all along.
So what should have been a joyous journey home (and was for the most part) was overshadowed by this turmoil, and

"Our Family Curse"

Jerry E Smith
All images are mine, taken with my
Nikon D5600, or my Cellphone.
The older images are family property

Dinosaur Hat.jpg


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While your family memories are in a different state... I still can chime in on how family can be worse than any others lol... As a young kid... anytime I would ride around in the town I grew up in (No details... don't wanna give away the secret stash location har har) I was always asked, "What's your name, young man?" Once telling them... they always replied with, "Oh!! You are so and so's grandson". Didn't matter where I was... everyone knew me, by my name. Curse of the "Small Town Antics" maybe? I think it was really just a bug case of jealousy, to be honest. My family is well known where I grew up. Grandparents had two restaurants... another side (Uncle's) family were all in the Law Enforcement Field (try bringing that up at a party hahahaah). Anyway... it is indeed, another example of family... both good and bad.

Love that car... LOVE that live Oak; reminds me of the song "The Trees" by Rush.

You know me well enough by now... All of my "sayings' or TAGS... But when the Sh*& hits the fan, all those dance letters don't change the fact that just sucks. But we gotta keep going! No... I didn't add the phrase "easy" in there lol. But it's a process... you know this all too well, brother. Anyway... take the good moments of your visit... leave those bad vibes to evaporate... Hope you are having a decent Monday brother...

Love and light...



I just went outside for the first time today, I slept in this morning. I had a lot to recuperate from and process.
Now I need to go check on that rental, to see if they are going to charge me extra for a gallon or two of gas that I didn't replace.
I tried, but my small gas can wouldn't fit into the neck of the tank.
Never seen a set up like that. There was no latch for the gas tank, you just pressed on that lid to make it where you could pop it open, there the gas tank had NO CAP, just a flap in the neck of the tank.

It had 3/4 of a tank when I picked it up Sat morning, and I left it with just a smidge less showing on the gauge yesterday. I tried tho

Thanks for commenting and commiserating Wes ♥


People will come and go but one thing that will remain are your family. They bound more


This is one that I wish I could unbind, and never see nor interact with again


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


Very sweet sir. I love the reunion. But for the boy. He is not doing well at all. All you need to do is pray for him. There is nothing we can not do when we pray to God. He answers prayers 🙏. Just be encouraged sir. He will change some day.
Thanks for sharing this.


Hi @adaezeinchrist , I thank you for commenting, but frankly I am sick to death of people who think everything can be solved by prayer.
"The Boy" is now FIFTY NINE YEARS OLD, and has been prayed over for ALL THOSE YEARS, by me and everyone in my family, by everyone who is religious who has EVER had ANY contact with him.
Preachers, Pastors, Lay People, Holy Rollers etc etc... Therapists etc NONE OF IT WORKS.
Medication does help a lot, but he won't take it because he says "It stifles my creativity"
Thank you anyway


Those are impressive trees!! They must really like the climate there.


Down in Brunswick Ga, St Simons Island and Jekyll, they grow so huge that the limbs grow down to the ground or have to be tied up for support.
They are really majestic and not that plentiful nowdays
Thanks @scribblingramma


Life is impossible without family, these are the relationships that work with us in bad times and are with us in good times, the rest of the world is only with us for meaning and the way we see it. All these trees are very beautiful.

Well, there is proof that one member of your family was acquainted with at least one member of my family. One of the names listed as a "trustee" on the Tattnall Camp Ground sign is one of my ancestors! Not going to say which one here, for privacy reasons, of course. In rural areas such as that, though, most everyone knows everyone else, even if they lived 50-to-70 miles apart. 😂

We were just talking about this a couple of days ago.
When your only mode of transport is a mule and wagon or your feet, you don't go very far afield (generally) in search of a mate, so everyone tends to be kin to everyone else.

Several generations back in that smith family, two brothers married two sisters. What would that make their children? Double first cousins?


"...two brothers married two sisters..."

Yes! Double first cousins! That happened in my mother's family, she had a double first cousin! I wrote about it in a post three years ago, if you're bored sometime and wanna check it out:


Many of my family are doubly-related in some way, too. In doing some genealogy research many years ago, I proved that my parents were distant fourth cousins, and shocked the family. Of course, the family tree flip-flopped back and forth between the male and female relatives, so the cosanguinity was quite watered-down. And then my father's twin brother married a woman who was unknown to the family at the time, but it turned out she was my mother's second cousin, once removed. And then my father's sister married a man from the next county over, whom no one knew, but I discovered that he was my mother's second half-cousin. Crazy! 😂
