Market Friday: Ghost Church


Okay, this just seemed fitting for October and the days leading up to Halloween. I was out on a little drive last weekend, enjoying the fall weather and lovely colors. It was Sunday, the day after I busted my left foot on a hike (and I promise I’m not going to talk about my broken foot in *every* post, but you can read about it in my Cinnamon Cup Coffee post or my last Actifit post, if you like), and since I couldn’t do anything physical but I had no trouble driving, I needed to at least see the fall color from the car. So there I was cruising along a quiet little road in a quiet little town when I came upon this.




“What’s wrong with this picture?” you might ask.

Well, first of all it was Sunday and the place was empty. Not a soul around. No cars in the parking lot. And second of all, the place has not been tended to in a very long time. The pavement of the parking lot is decorated with a maze of cracks, all with weeds growing up out of them, getting ready to completely overtake the property.





It was a little spooky, I’ll be honest. I kept taking pictures, but the place was really rather haunting and I felt weird there in that weedy parking, as if I was in a graveyard.

But in addition to being a little spooked, I also felt kind of sad. Certainly it must have once had regular services and had to have been a place of worship for a lot of local families. I’m guessing the church was sort of limping along, just getting by, and then Covid hit, and they simply could not continue.

Back at home, I went and found their Facebook page. It looked like it had been a nice lively church. The pastor posted in June 2020 that they would be closing for a remodel and combining congregations with another church and reopening. And then there’s nothing after that.

I remember June of 2020. We were all fed up with months of isolation, and thought, “how much longer can this go on?” Remember? In our wildest dreams we didn’t think it could last another two solid years.

And it continues. But we live with it. It’s a whole new world. Who knows, maybe the church will come back to life when the time is right and the congregation has enough funds for their remodel.


Thank you for visiting! Are you familiar with Market Friday, run by @dswigle? She is a goddess of inspiration and community building. You must check out the community and get to know @dswigle!

And p.s. I really did write this on Friday. Hive was being wonky and peakd decided to take a nap, so I drafted the post in, and then when I tried to publish it I got some weird HTML error message… so I decided that once again I was going to have to post my Market Friday post on Saturday!


Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me with my iphone and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

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Autumn is evident now 😊.. Happy weekend to you.. How's your injury?


It's okay, and thank you, @jane1289. I'll have surgery in a few days and then the healing will begin in earnest. 😄


That's great.. I'll pray for your fast recovery 😊


A bit of internet research suggests that the congregation renamed/rebranded their church and moved to Edina two years ago. Weird that they haven’t sold the old property in Eden Prairie since then, tons of development is going on in EP.


It is indeed surprising! Watch, they'll tear it down and put up condos.


This is a bit sad and yet it's beautiful. Your fourth, fifth and sixth pictures really modelled the fall season, love the trees😍🍁🍂


Ooh I missed some comments on this post. Thanks for stopping by @seki1!


The weeds on the pavement make it look a bit spooky, but the autumn colors are so beautiful in your photos. Sometimes it is still amazing to think how we were so isolated for two years, and yet the world is still living with the consequences of the pandemic. Who knows if that place will have good days again in the future, let's hope so.
I hope your broken foot is healing.


Thanks very much, @coquicoin. Geez, I somehow missed some comments on this post. (The last few weeks have been a little crazy!)


It happened to me too!! I couldn't even answer most posts and yours is the last one! Could I get any later?

It was so heartwarming to see someone look into the reasons or even wonder about a church that doesn't impact their life. I don't mean it that way, I am just touched by your thoughtfulness. Their pastor would be too. I do hope they get back on track or perhaps they combined churches and all is well. From your lips to God's ears.

Thank you so much for being such a positive part of Hive. It is noticed and we love you! ❤️ Of course, I hope your foot is feeling a little bit better and it is starting to heal - although I know how difficult that will be right now!

Thank you for participating in #MarketFriday! I appreciate the time and effort that goes into putting a post together for the challenge. It is with great pleasure that I read through and realize how much we have all tried to include things in our world that may be unique to the area. I have learned so much about the different cultures of the world, especially the small things that go unnoticed except by those looking for them. Life is interesting, wherever you are, whatever you are doing. I hope the week has found you healthy and happy, as we all look to prosper in our way of life.

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive or cheap? Did it go up or down? Please do not post 30 pictures with no words about them.Do not use pictures more than once in a post!
  3. Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
    4. #MarketFriday must be your first tag.
    Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
    5. PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
  4. Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
    7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

I'm catching up on comments I missed on some of my posts over the past couple of crazy weeks. Thank you for your lovely note, @dswigle, and thank you as always for running Market Friday!
