Study blog or My Study Journey.

Hello everyone. How are you all? Hope everyone is well. Today, I am here to share my study journey. Basically everyone share travel blog here, in this community. But today I will share my today's study journey. Study is also a journey or a travel from my perspective which has no end. We learn till our last breathe.
Let's start my today's study journey, in which, I will uphold my whole day. Hope you will like it.

Today I got up late, around 8 AM. Because I slept late at night the previous day. I had my physics exam today. My syllabus was incomplete. I was too afraid about my exam. Then I went my college about 9:40 am. My exam was at 10 am.

This is a very small portion or road of my college field. You can see all the students or my classmates with their uniform on. I love spending time with my friends. But, unfortunately I don't get enough time to hang out with friends. Because, as a science student we have a lot of pressure of study.

This is my physics question paper, which was so hard. As my syllabus was not completed, the questions were 100x harder for me. Thanks to all of my friend who helped me today to answer some questions so that I can pass the exam. Once, I was a very good student. I helped my other friends. But now it's the vise versa.

My exam finished at 1:00 PM. I was so tired. I came out from my college and took a rikshaw for reach my home as soon as possible. I had a bad headache. So, after arriving home I took medicine and rest on my bed for a while. But unfortunately, I have my chemistry exam tomorrow. I have not enough time for the preparation. Finding no other way I sat on my study table and open my book. But my head was not working. So, I decided to listen some study lofi music so that I could relax.

I played the live lofi for study from 'lofi girl' channel. Their music is really good and helpful as well for study.

I needed some refreshment. So, I decided to have some milk tea. Then, I go out at the nearest tea stall. Their tea is very good. You can see in the picture below:

Returning back home, I wanted to explore the book which I brought some days back from the 'Ekushey Book fair'.

This book is about the Detective stories of Sherlock Homes. Let me know about your favourite genre of book.

I again started studying chemistry as tomorrow I have my exam of it. But I hate the chapter name 'Organic chemistry'. This chapter is very hard to me. Because, there are a lot of reaction to memorize and understand. Fortunately, I have more three chapter to answer. So, right now I am taking my preparation about those chapters.

Night: 1:00 am
Yes, this is the current time. I am still taking exam preparation. But I thought that I should write something. So, I came here and started writing about this from 12:00 am. Successfully wasted one hour, just kidding.

Whatever, now it's time to go back on study. Have a great day or night and ofcourse, kindly pray for my exam tomorrow.
Stay safe and healthy. I will be back soon with another blog.


It is true that the quest for knowledge is unending. I know what it feels like to write an exam without finishing up the syllabus. I really hope that they give you all more time to prepare next time.


Yes, hope this time my exam will go well. Thanks for your comment.
