Hello Everyone, It's me Ish your sketchy artist friend, what I meant is that I'm your artist friend who loves to do sketches πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…. Today's blog is not art or Inktober entry related. So this is my first time making a blog for WEEKEND EXPERIENCE Community.

Yesterday was Saturday when Pink Moon Hunt started, it is a part of WoKTober event of KMON Universe.

KMON is an NFT game that I invested in 2021, I can say I'm one of the pioneers or early adaptors of the game, so as you can see in this picture there's a blue dot or circle which represents me or my location then the other one with a green circle and gray dot it represents the location of my treasure chest or treasure boxes. The gray dot means I already Claimed the box in that area so yesterday the original color of that dot was a green color if I haven't claimed the box yet, then the yellow dot represents boxes that were designated to other players.

If you are familiar with the game Pokemon GO that needs GPS and AR features to locate and see the Pokemon you need to battle and catch, it is the same feature as Pink Moon Hunt but in this game, we just need to hunt and claim treasure boxes. So this is the first treasure box I got, the location is the one dot gray that I drew with a green circle.

Next stop, are these three treasure boxes which are located at the cemetery, to be honest with you guys it's been almost 2 years since I went out of my man cave to have or do this kind of long walks, so yesterday I came along with my father because he also heading to the cemetery for his sideline as a gravedigger.

While we were walking I told my Father that he had the looks and the vibe of being a samurai but instead of having a katana, he got a machete, so I took some photos of him while we were walking.

Most of the time when we are walking heading to the cemetery we always choose the shortcut like we were into the woods that are full of bamboo trees,
and this is my favorite spot to take some pictures of my father who's always ahead of me in walking haha XD.

I saw and claimed these two boxes at the Municipal Cemetery.

And the other one was at the entrance of the Old Catholic Cemetery,
I found the treasure box under this tree.

The last stop for yesterday's treasure hunt was at the gasoline station. As you can see the treasure box floats in the middle of the road or highway.

After I got the treasure box at the gasoline station I planned to go home because the sky was dark and it was ready to rain.

I just want to share the road or pathway heading to my home, some people working on the road for the road widening, but as you can see There's so much greenery, and I love to see this kind of scenery while walking home.

I got 6 treasure boxes, yesterday but all in all, I need to get 9 treasure boxes to complete my quest for KMON zealy event, I wasn't able to get them all because it's too far for me to walk to that location, every day the location of the remaining boxes will change after reset in 24 hours mark so the story of the 3 boxes left will be posted tomorrow or later for part 2 of this Weekend's Experience.

So I think that's it for part 1 of this WEEKEND EXPERIENCE BLOG - TREASURE HUNT and see you on the next one.




Reviewed and Approved for an Ecency boost. Keep up the good work.

Wave Media


Thank you πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯‚πŸ˜Ž


I needed to stop reading for a while after reading the word 'sketchy' hahahaha
this is a nice motivation to go out and walk! hope you completed your quest
