RE: Airsoft on Black and White

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Yay! Cool photos you have here @deythedevil! Never really into black and white photography but when I look at your pictures, somehow I'm intrigued. You should go back to this sport too! I've always wanted to try this activity years ago but I guess I missed my opportunity. I don't think this will be for me anymore as I can't do extreme activities yet.


Yeah, I really like to go back to this sport. I missed the adrenalin, the tense, the tactics and the camps. But there is some reason that I can't go back playing. The main reason is the money. Haha. This sport is expensive. From bullets to transportation. The camp where we used play is already closed and that's the other reason. It is the nearest site here in Bulacan and now it is closed. Another reason is my friends don't play anymore. It is good to have new friends, but when I'm playing with my friends, I definitely feel safe. Hehe.

Thank for your comment @indayclara. If there is a airsoft ground in your area, try it. There are options of game senarios that don't require to run more. But, the bigger the game sire is, the more fun and exciting it is.
Just always think that it is not just a game, but it is survival like real life.

Now I missed playing.


Damn! When you say it like that! It's like survival of the fittest! and I don't think I would be physically made for this. Anyways, I guess it does boil down to finances! I didn't know that this sport would be expensive and sorry to hear that the nearest camp at your place closed down. I guess the business wouldn't have continued as well due to the pandemic. Tough times.

If there is a airsoft ground in your area, try it

I'll probably be the first one to be booted out! 😂


when I am already exhausted, I always choose the sniper role. I just hid myself and wait for the opponents to come near me. haha.

I remembered that I was so hidden, even my teammates can't reach me, the game was already finished and we won but I don't even took down any opponent. hahahaha

I think this is the best role for you. haha
Assassin type, exciting don't you think @indayclara? haha
