New study week and new dogs adventures


Hi, guys!

Today is a new school day, and to be honest I'm very nervous. Today I need to submit an assignment that I had a good week to complete, but I completely forgot about it and therefore today I will do it at maximum speed.

I need to break the plot of my novel into nine parts and describe all nine parts, and also argue why the breakdown is this way, that is, after each segment there should be a plot twist.

I realize that I am much more nervous about this task than I actually need to be, and I will most likely complete it in a few hours. But it’s basically in my nature to be more nervous than necessary, and for years I’ve been trying to somehow fix this, but I can’t. Now I'm working with my anxiety with a therapist, and things have gotten a little better, but there are still a lot of nuances.

So, the first item on my plan for the day is to write a frame-by-frame plot of my novel, divided into nine parts. The second point of the plan is to take the girls and go to the library with them, so as not to delay the book that we took to read. Today is the last day to return it.

The third point of the plan is to have a good walk with the girls for at least one hour, they complain to me that they are bored.

And finally in the evening I will have a lecture on copyright for writers/

Wish me good luck:)




