Days with my dogs


Hi, guys!

This morning I had to take my older dog to the vet. Over the past two weeks, we went twice to have the glands in the butt cleaned, but the unpleasant smell of rotten fish still persisted, and I came to the conclusion that something urgently needed to be done. I had never encountered this before, so I wasn’t sure what actions would be correct, and so I just decided to pass the question on to the professionals, and in the morning we got together and went to the doctor.

The doctor examined me and said that the glands were still very clogged, especially considering that we had recently cleaned them. She put a special suppository in her butt, which should help solve the problem, and asked us to come for an examination in a week. I really hope this helps and we don't have to take more drastic measures. But in any case, it’s reassuring that if it doesn’t help, there are still other options for solving the problem.

Today it so happened that I woke up very late. Apparently in the last few days I had such a strong adrenaline rush due to the writing courses that when I finally calmed down, my brain decided that now it was necessary to put me to bed for a good rest, which it did. I slept for 16 hours, and would have slept further if I didn’t have to take the dog to the doctor, and then go to training.

Now I do stretching, power pole and exotic pole. My last classes are held individually with a teacher and require a huge amount of effort, but I really like them.

I hope that everything will be fine with my dog’s butt, wish her a speedy recovery :)






