Books and coffe shop in Kyiv


Hi, guys!

Today I have a forced day off. Last night I suffered from terrible pain: from which I finally fainted. This had not happened to me for a very long time and I was very scared, although everything ended well - I just slid down the wall and did not receive any damage. It was strange to come to my senses on the floor and not remember how I ended up there. In the end, I was able to call my husband, he helped me get to the bed and lie down normally. For a long time there was a terrible noise in my head, but then that went away and I was able to fall asleep.

So today I decided that I needed to stay at home and monitor my condition. I'll stay in the company of my dogs and books, and that's good.

Yesterday we went to a bookstore, which is also a coffee shop. We now have many such establishments in Kyiv, but my husband and I have a favorite, it’s called Eat and Read. You can order yourself a cup of coffee and read a book, you can buy it later.

I really like the fact that pets are allowed in the cafe. So far I have never been there with my dogs, but I want to go, I hope to do it with my mother on Friday.

And this is what it looks like inside:



