Hive Daily Mix - Photography - 2024-05-06

The first AI powered recap of the best photography posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

May 6

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Flowers - by @tattoodjay
The post showcases beautiful flowers from Haskell Gardens in New Bedford, highlighting tulips and other colorful blooms. The author shares their admiration for the vibrant colors of the flowers in spring.

Silent Lessons - by @joanstewart
This post discusses the beauty and benefits of air plants and bromeliads, highlighting their easy maintenance and ability to enhance any home or garden. It emphasizes the joy and relaxation that gardening can bring, promoting self-sustaining plants for a stress-free experience.

Junk vs Bullion - by @daveks
Comparison between junk silver and bullion silver, discussing the preferences and historical composition of each type.

Lindas fotos en la plaza Bolívar de Maracay | Nice pictures in the plaza Bolívar of Maracay ⛲️🌆🧡 - by @milagroscdlrr
Original language: ENGLISH, ESPAÑOL
A post showcasing beautiful photos taken in Plaza Bolívar of Maracay, along with a personal narrative of the day's events and emotions.

Photowalk in Vienna's 15th district at the Grätzl Art Open - by @solymi
A photowalk in Vienna's 15th district at the Grätzl Art Open, exploring various art studios and workshops

Exploring Barcelona's Hidden Gem | The Enchanting Horta Labyrinth Park - by @alcibiades
Exploring the Horta Labyrinth Park in Barcelona, a hidden gem outside the city center with beautiful greenery, a hedge maze, and neoclassical pavilions.

Happy Orthodox Easter(To Whoever Cellebrates It)! - by @acesontop
A photography-centric post capturing the Orthodox Easter celebration and a rare visit from the author's sister and her boyfriend

Climbing La Cruz hill, El Consejo - Venezuela [ENG-ESP] - by @sofathana
Original language: ENG, ESP
A hiking adventure to La Cruz hill in El Consejo, Venezuela, exploring the history and tradition of the climb.

A wonderful show. - by @papilloncharity
The post showcases the beauty of nature's art through stunning sunset views captured in Gordon's Bay.

A timid giant - Carpenter bee - by @ewkaw
Exploration of the Carpenter bee at a local park, highlighting their timid nature and unique characteristics

MONOMAD - May 5th - Please Read The Contest Rules Before Submitting Your Publications. - by @monochromes
This post is about the MONOMAD contest rules and winners, encouraging participation in the Black And White Community.

Beautiful Sunday: Sakura blossoms in the garden of the Smolny Convent - by @tatdt
The post explores the beauty of Sakura blossoms in the garden of the Smolny Convent in Saint Petersburg, Russia, highlighting the serene atmosphere and less crowded nature of the location.

You are the rose in my garden. - by @avdesing
A heartfelt tribute to a man named Ivo who had a deep love for flowers and nature, particularly roses.

Transforming and reinventing work in a nomadic life - PART 1: BEING A VOLUNTEER [Eng - Esp] - by @belug
Original language: English, Español
The post discusses the experience of transforming and reinventing work in a nomadic life, particularly focusing on volunteering in different countries.

Colorful Botany | Macro Perspective // Photography - by @aleister
The post showcases macro photography of a decomposing botanical piece, highlighting the color palette and the presence of an insect, along with insights into macro photography techniques.

Changing Styles - by @erikah
The post explores the works of Tamás Vass, focusing on his graphics that blend elements of communism and industrialization, along with the artist's struggle with rejection and its impact on his art style.

Welcome to the paradise called Grandma's River - by @jelenaa
Exploring an ethno village named Grandma's River in central Serbia, filled with motivational messages and scenic views.

What do you think of this coffee? - by @damarysvibra
The post discusses the author's experience with different coffee brands and their preferences, highlighting the importance of finding the perfect coffee that suits their taste.

Around Iran no. 5 – Kashan - by @olusiu
Original language: ENG,PL
Exploring the city of Kashan in Iran, known for its ancient history, archaeological sites, and unique attractions like the Bagh-e Fin garden complex.

A walk around the small town of Varenna - by @rsphotos
Original language: English, Polish
Exploration of the small town of Varenna in northern Italy, including sights, restaurants, and viewpoints, as well as a visit to Vezio Castle ruins.
