Our Camera-shy Baby Arashi...



Happy Easter everyone!!!
I hope you all had a great day today.

This morning, we stayed out for some air. It wasn't very hot and it was a bit windy, so it was nice to stay outside for a change.
I was playing some mobile games while talking with my parents. haha
Yes, I'm multitasking, but they're used to it. Weekends are usually the days in which I could relax and play some games, so they just let me be. I was playing some Pokemon Unite.
Arashi was on the table the whole time looking around and enjoying the view outside as well as the nice air. When I finished my game, I decided to take some pictures of him since he's so cute. He's camera shy, though. So, I was pretending to still be playing the game when I took these shots. Otherwise, he'd get up and face the other way. lol
His fur is getting longer, so he needs to be groomed soon. Well, maybe on his birthday? He's turning 9 soon, but he's still our precious little furbaby.

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