Why I Love Collecting Mushroom Pictures?


Greetings everyone especially to all Fungi Lovers here in the community. Mushroom can be found anywhere and everywhere in different kinds of Place or Countries. Its names are called by Local, International or Scientific and it is very nice and interesting to know and study the biological behavior of Mushroom and fungi plants in our Society. Before I proceed to my Main Questions, allow me to share some of my Fascinating mushrooms and fungi photos I did this afternoon. With the used of my Phone Camera and setting on Expert-Pro Cam, I got a cleared shoots of the plants I found today.


The first picture is a kind of rough mushroom. Its leaves is very thick and it grows bigger and wider. The color of this mushroom is light brown with white colors on its tips. Under this big brown mushroom is also color whitish thing and it is very attractive to our eyes. It is very hard to pull in the rotten big tree. This is also a kind of elephant ear mushroom and this kind of plants are very common and popular in the place.



Next is this mushroom and we called it Dwarf Mushroom. Well, its name of derived from local term here in our Place. The leaves contains white line colors on the tip of its leaves surface including at the middle. There is also a brown color and have a rough surfaces of the leaves. It grows in the Balete tree, one of the most Oldest and native trees found here in the Philippines. Most of this kind also grows in the Dry trees and most of it are in the stones.



Our Nature contains lots of fascinating and unique features about Plants, and if we know about its behavior we can have lots of ideas and it will make us more amazed of it. This is what we called, balance of Nature. The rotten and withered biological things will fade and eat with another kinds of plants just like Fungi and Mushroom plants. Once it will vanished, another plants grows in the place. This mushroom is unique for me not only its colors but also the style. There are two leaves on one stem and it is very unique to see.



This kind of mushroom is very cute and attractive to seen, the surface contains a wavy and curvy shape. It also addens the attractiveness of its colors and style and mostly it grows in the Coconut trees and dried grass. As I observed, there are lots of red ants lived under this small mushrooms and those insects are placing some soil particles on the top of this mushroom.

How About Fungi?




This are some of the Fungi things I found during my Mushroom photo hunt activities. The first one in the picture represents the so-called Appids. Most of this kind are also found in coconut fruits and banana leaves. This is slightly harm to plants specially its fruits. It will multiplied very quickly and spreading all over the surface on where in grows.

Next is what we called, Dolce de Maria vine plants. It will crawl and grows on the coconut branch and grows very quickly also. On the other hand, algae plants is very common and it is also grows in the big stones even if it has not water. This can make the place cool and attractive because of its tiny pieces and colors and can release morning dew drops that helps the soil not dried.

Why I Loved Collecting Mushroom Pictures?

Since when I was in highschool, I already studied the parts and basics functions of mushroom parts. It also includes the styles, forms and colors that can make more attractive to my eyes. My Simple Ideas about this, is already applied in our community and I really proud and happy of it.

Captured By:RealMe C11 Phone
Date:March 19, 2024
Time:6:30 PM
Location:Manticao, Misamis Oriental Mindanao, Philippines


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