Have a Heart of Gratitude to God.
There are days you wake up asking
yourself, “Why is this happening to me? Why does it seem everything is working against me?" This happens especially when you sit back to analyze your life and see the genuine effort you have put to make things work out well for yourself. Well! I see myself often asking myself similar questions. Yes! Everyone does. Just so you know you’re not alone. But you know what? I stopped asking myself those questions.
Instead, I have come to accept what I cannot change, 'because I believe in Rom 8:28 - "Everything works together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose for them".
I stopped counting my problems and started counting my blessings so as to see the brighter side of life.
Instead of looking at the things that make you feel sad, start looking at the ones that makes you happy. You know, most times we feel others are doing better than us but we forget to look at the ways we are doing better than others and be grateful.
The difference between you and the person you feel is achieving more than you is that the person celebrates every little win and make it look great because he or she has a heart of gratitude to God. Start learning to accept what you cannot change having put in your sincere effort and be happy with yourself.
Be contented with what God has blessed you with and be thankful.
Celebrate each gift you receive from God and thank God with others when they celebrate theirs.
Nobody has a perfect life ! Be thankful for where you are while hoping for the best to come.
O great....life won't treat all equally. We differently operate base on our fate and destiny
What works for me may not work for you. It's insane to start marginalising myself because of anothers' achievement(s).
I often say, I don't jealous but if at all I should be jealous of another, Its a positive one such that what he/she does am inspired to do too or even more greater.
Yes! To you @gloreal this a wonderful piece for the morning as this. You'd well and I must say I liked it.
Thank you
Yes @wizj if we do not come to terms that life can't treat us same way. Then we will live our life's jealousing another person's life. Instead, we should be grateful for our little win make it look Great. And Accept what we cannot change.
Yea...true @gloreal
Weldon dear🤝
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