Villains, the secret protagonists of our lives

Hello Hivians. It's already Thursday and April has started sunny and hot, so it's a fabulous weekend to enjoy outdoors with the family. Don't waste it. But today's post is not about that but about villains. Those who like good villains, in movies or books of course, in real life better not.

My children like to read comics and watch their favorite drawings. It's funny that sometimes watching Dragon Ball with them brings back a lot of memories of how I used to fight with my brothers afterwards. They don't do it, rather they fight with their favorite villain, which is me. 😂😂😂

Villains are important in stories, they make them more entertaining but above all they give a purpose to characters who would otherwise spend all day doing the same thing. But that is in fiction because reality is always very different.
His role mainly fulfills the function of making the characters grow so that he faces them as a challenge that allows them to grow and develop their skills.
You could say that in our lives the objectives we set are our villains so we have to be careful not to have low objectives with which we would grow little or ones that are too high that would crush us and we would never achieve.

It's always fun to beat up our favorite villains, or so my kids say.

Created with: nightcafe

You can visit my instagram page and see many more creations

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It's great that you get to spend so much time with them! Enjoy the time with them before they grow up!
