Tattoos yes or tattoos no

Hello hivians. It's Friday and the week is ending so it's time to enjoy the weekend. A new month also begins and spring is already beginning to warm our hearts so it's time to enjoy.
For today's article I wanted to discuss a somewhat controversial topic, well not very controversial either. But the other day I was having a beer with some friends and the topic came up. Tattoos yes or tattoos no.

Tattoos are a form of expression, decoration or even status. In some places it is cultural and has broader meanings. But we will leave these cases aside, since you have to understand the culture to be able to give an opinion about them and my knowledge is not that extensive.
So I will focus on tattoos as a way of expression or body decoration.

I have to say that as body decoration, tattoos make no sense since the good thing about decoration is being able to change it and tattoos are the complete opposite of that.
As a form of expression they are something else. They are a very interesting way to express your values or tastes. I am very much in favor of these but they have to be approached with conscience. Because if your values or tastes change over time, they can create some problems for you.

A very funny thing that happened in the conversation is that one of my friends said that tattoos are a form of rebellion and the truth is that the rest of us didn't laugh a little. He wasn't offended but asked what we were laughing about and the answer was unanimous.
If everyone has tattoos nowadays, the current rebels are those who don't.

Created with: nightcafe

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I have don't have any but have many friends who do. I think done tastefully they can be nice, and many women these days get them in the small of their backs. Personally I'll pass, I even passed on an Army tattoo back in the day!
