How high can you look

How high can a building get and how far can you see the top was the question my supervisor asked me. I thought about it for a moment and wondered “what if we had eyes that that of a lens camera thay can zoom and unzoom” then our problem will be solved.

I took a walk around the city of abuja and took some pictures. I took one of the mountain behind my home and i will be sharing it with you all

Thats the mountain behind my place, during December time people do go for hiking which i will be joining them this year

After taking shot from my surrounding, I heard to the city to take shot of some high building while zooming a bit closer

Thats a very long signal poll, can I call it poll? Its as tall as the building too and taller than some
Few other

All pictures taken are mine. Taken with the camera of Xsmax. Thanks for having me
