Is it white or black

"Is it white or black?" Murphy whines, he had reaized the biggest truth of his life that our search amidst life is never for the thing we desire but for the feeling the thing we desire brings so he had vowed to live as it comes knowing that the chase for these things isn't his priority.

"The clearer life becomes is the blurer it gets" he smirks but this time his smirk fades to a clentched face. "Somebody should have told me life will be like this so I've stopped wishing because wishes are only for the weak". His clenched face suddenly found a smile when it hit him, "We see life the way we are".

His thoughts echoes the words of a friend from the past,"Information without understanding is only a waste". So it's time to learn, grow and groom your better self while letting the past and future lose impact on the present because the present is a gift to cuddle with focus.

Murphy finds his feet from the bed whispering "Lost souls are everywhere" before the leftovers of pizzas by the chest of his drawer drifts his attention from his thoughts when he realised he had been thinking out loud.
