Contrasting photo sketches

There are different genres in photography, as well as different types of photographers. Someone shoots only in one genre, and someone in several at the same time. There are also photographers for whom shooting is purely a job and for themselves, for the soul they do not shoot anything at all.


I believe that a good photographer is the one who can take a decent photo in absolutely any genre!

It's like a mechanic with an engineering mindset – he can fix any car.

...I don't know if there will be "space" in the near future (a state of mind in which you give yourself only to sensations), but so far it seems to me that I will be on the reporting frequency for a long time.

No need to resist the wave that is now!

If I'm bursting with all sorts of tricks, tricks, and creating an interesting unusual photo, then I need to seize the moment and do it.

It is necessary to use the condition that exists at the moment.

Or maybe I will soon disconnect from this frequency and I will switch back to something languid, mystical and underground.

And while I'm on a driving reportage wave, I need to have time to take as many good pictures as possible!

And it is by no means necessary to knock it down intentionally.

I already know that everything is cyclical and you don't have to worry about "space" coming back!


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!
