My Pumpkin Garden Update

Hello everyone,
Happy new week to everyone, trust you all had a wonderful weekend.

It's the beginning of a new plantain season for me the weather has been favorable to my crops it will be specific my plantain and vegetable my vegetable garden has been experiencing an incredible growth in the past few weeks initially when I started planting I didn't really expect it to blossom this way due to how the rain was disturbing but today I went visiting and for me it's a new adventure watching the vegetable gardening coming to life.

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The pumpkin seed I planted some weeks ago has sprouted into blossoming leaves having a good greenish color full of nutrients and chlorophyll as the leaves keep turning for sunlight. Despite the poor weather some weeks ago they've grown with speed, each leaf embracing the warmth of the day.



I really like to plant pumpkins very close to my house because I enjoy eating them, adding them to my meals must of the time to spice it up, ever since they started planting I have saved myself and my family a lot of money from buying floating pumpkin from the market my dad likes it a lot we do add it to almost every dish we prepared home because of the health benefits of pumpkin Which includes reduction high level risk of obesity, it reduces heart disease and boost the heart, it reduces high blood pressure and mental decline and build the brain.

so it I thought it was necessary to have it around the house I decided to give it a try I planted it last year and it was wow so this year I couldn't wait to plant again. The amazing thing is that it was at the same spot I planted the 1 of last year I was thinking it will not blossom as much as it should be due to the fact that I've already utilized the soil but before then I had to apply enough and it always to the soil before planting and I think it has really helped a lot because the leaves of the pumpkin are growing healthy and blossoming.




While I'm anxiously waiting for the appearance of the fruit, the greenish leaves of the pumpkin have been an incredible delight. Their size has increased in a great significant way. I will prove that the soil where they are is federal and the space is open to fresh air and sunlight. Everyday I've been consistent in taking care of the garden. I have not allowed weeds to grow around them, applying the manure every weekend and doing some irrigation when necessary because of the excess rain we had already.

This is just a few weeks' progress, I will continue in caring and keeping the garden, expecting more blossoming leaves and fruit. Then I won't fail to make a post on progress and growth.

Thanks for reading my post, please feel free to upvote, reblog and do well to drop a comment thanks.


Keep up with the good work dear.

Our leaf for vegetable soup is doing great 😃
