[Esp-Ing] Let's Make a Collage: Freestyle||El Sitio de mi recreo-My Playground

Hola amigos!

Aunque menos que mañana, hoy estamos más cerca de comenzar con nuestro concurso semanal de forma regular, nuevamente pero mientras esto ocurre, quiero compartir con ustedes este pensamiento hecho imagen.

Existen muchas maneras de sentirte libre y una de ellas es a través de los libros. Cuando lees eres capaz de ser muchas cosas a la vez. Desde un pájaro en vuelo, un árbol, hasta un sapo embellecido con las palabras más dulces. Puedes crear mundos inimaginables sin salir de tu espacio, sin tener que mover un solo músculo de tu cuerpo.

Cuando lees, protagonizas las más grandes proezas jamás vistas y puedes sentirte el más valiente de los héroes. Cuando lees, te permites ser libre y gozar de esa libertad.

Hello friends!

Although less than tomorrow, today we are closer to start our weekly contest on a regular basis, again but while this is happening, I want to share with you this thought made image.

There are many ways to feel free and one of them is through books. When you read you are able to be many things at once. From a bird in flight, to a tree, to a toad embellished with the sweetest words. You can create unimaginable worlds without leaving your space, without having to move a single muscle in your body.

When you read, you perform the greatest feats ever seen and you can feel like the bravest of heroes. When you read, you allow yourself to be free and enjoy that freedom.

My Collage


Recursos utilizados/ Resources

Libro central-Pixabay


sentado- @alex2alex

sentado de lado-@alex2alex




Pájaros libres-Pixabay

Además utilicé una fotografía propia/I also used one of my own photographs

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZJe5LhXoxUJDNpgEJmLZg3FvwZxDKUirxeWkw4eWqgFxKBwvKwhZ4qNMyCXqqWXjv7WKskMtaazbV5WwEHWgSM1xKAhYu71oYankui6KhoVCPjJVgDQs2SyC (2).jpg

Espero les haya gustado. Muchísimas gracias por su visita , apoyo y comentarios

I hope you liked it. Thank you very much for your visit, support and comments.


You capture the joy of reading eloquently in your collage, @esthersanchez. Libraries have always been some of my favorite places. The whole world, and more, at our fingertips.


I'm glad you visited and that you took the time to write such a motivating comment. Books, for me, will always be the best place to be and to imagine and I feel that this phrase describes it very well...

"The whole world, and more, at our fingertips".

A hug and have a great day!
