Where Silence Resides

Yesterday a new week started and I was looking forward to visit this new exhibition that was opened last week. Looks like this place has become one of my favorite as that's where I saw most of my favorite artworks/photos. It's a place of inspiration for me, a place where I can take a moment and reflect on what I'm seeing, as well as bring home with me what I see and share it with you.


When I saw the poster and the title of the exhibition, I knew right away that I'm going to see some amazing photos. Where Silence Resides, the title itself suggest something magical. I don't know about you, but I would love to spend some time where the silence resides, to enjoy a little peace and silence and the photo on the poster is the perfect place for that.


This was the first photo I saw when stepped into the first room. This time there were no titles, so interpreting what you see was left to you, the viewer. This scene, while beautiful in its own way, had a deep message, or I was just imagining things. That green water with the reflections looks amazing, but if you look at the stone house, or what's left of it, covered by water, that is sad. That must have been a home of someone and it is not covered by water. I know nature always takes over, but it is sad in my eyes. Yet, beautiful as a photograph.


A snowy scene you see in this photo would have been lovely by itself, but the shot taken from under those snowy branches, makes it even more interesting. Nice angle.


A scene that you often see during autumn months. A favorite of mine, due to those lovely colors. Now that everything is gray here and there's -10°C in the morning, I wish I could have the possibility to spend a day at that place, when the scene is like that.


Do you think the title of this photo could be Where Silence Resides? Do you think silence resides there? I do. When I was younger and was in a holiday, used to sit at the top of the mountain and think that those trees don't have the daily stress we have at work or at school. They don't care about what day it is, what time it is. There's no stress for them and I was envying them. Was I right? No, I was not right, I was wrong as they care about changing time, changing days and seasons. They react to all these, just in a different way.


As interesting as this photo is, for me it means great sadness. What it seems floating on the water is actually the tower of a church, which means the church is underwater. Now you may think this is photo manipulation, but it isn't. There's a village in Transylvania, called Bezid (Bözöd in Hungarian), where 180 houses and the church were submerged, when the dam was built. This happened in 1989, families were relocated, but I bet a lot of people had their lives broken by this action. It's never easy to see your home, your memories submerged. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like. So looking at this photo brings up similar feelings.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned is the angle where the photo was taken, which is close to the water level. This makes the photo much more dramatic I guess.



This was another fantastic shot. Apart from the simplicity, I like how the photographer positioned the trees. I mean the photo would not be so interesting or precious if the trees would take the center of the photo.


At this point I was wondering if some of the photos were taken with a drone, or not. I don't have any experience with drone photography, so I would not know. This was taken from above, which indicates that was either taken from a cliff, or using a drone. Either way, it's a gorgeous one due to the fog and the light. It's not every day that you can capture such a scene, not to mention the colors, which are perfect. Those yellow leaves add a lot.

All these photos are teaching me something, each one a different thing. In my opinion you can learn a lot by studying these photos. You may think you will never be able to take such photos, but when opportunity knocks on your door, you may not see it. I'm not sure what the future holds for me, but this year I'd like to do more and focus on quality more. Let's see if I can improve my skills in any way.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



A veces es genial poder ver las fotografias sin contexto, sin una descripción o tituloL; te ayudan a divagar y reflexionar sobre las intenciones de su autor. Algo que me gusta hacer es entrar a la comunidad de una imagen al dia y antes de leer cualquier cosa de una publicación intento sacar mi conclusión y punto de vista, siento que es un ejercicio muy enriquecedor.


Exactly. I was glad to see there were no titles given. This way you interpret the photos as you like, without being influenced by the author. It's a good thing.


I'm the same person as you, I like to spend time when there is no one around me. it keeps me away from the tensions and worries at least for some time. Nice exhibition.


Exactly. I think we all need time to recharge our batteries and re balance things. It's normal. I'm glad you liked the exhibition.


I was hoping to see some street photo or an urban area. It will be very interesting right? Great exhibition. My most favorite photo is by Lako Anna. :))


That is a nice pick. There are more photos from that exhibition, so stay tuned.


These doesnt have glass reflections and are taken very perfectly. So 👍👍👍

My most favorite photo there is the snowy scene! Perfect angle!
