The Colorful And Diverse World Of Erzsébet Kulcsár

This exhibition was quite a big one, thus there were a big number of artworks exhibited, of which you have already seen two batches, very different in style. You can see them bu scrolling back on my blog and it is recommended, if you want to see the difference between styles and the talent Erzsébet Kulcsár has.


As I mentioned in my previous posts, none of the artworks had a title, so everything was left for the viewers to decide. This is a clear one in my opinion. I see some hills, the burning sun on a dark sky, a blue river running down from the hill, flanked by two wheat fields and a pasture. It's a rough depiction of what I described, but it's a nice one.


This is an interesting one and without too much thinking, I would name this Underwater World. I can see the orange as fish, but obviously this is my interpretation. You may see different things.


Would be curious to know if you can see what this painting is made of, at first glance. I took some close up photos in case it is not visible on the photo, what I could see at the venue.


It's painted cardboard. Now you can scroll back and see the first photo. I see it as a residential complex with skyscrapers. It's an interesting concept and use of different materials, but I would not want it on my wall.


Even without a title, you can see the concept clearly. I think it's safe to say we all are in this situation. The mirror shows you a different picture than what you have in your mind about yourself. However, this is not a reflection, but an interpretation in a different world. At least that's how I see it. It can be seen as the couple after a few years. It's sad to see they grew apart, but it happens with a lot of relationships, like it or not. People change.


This was a difficult one. It's colorful, maybe it looks like a city, but I'm afraid I'm forcing my will on it. So you tell me. If you have an explanation, I'd be happy to hear it.


A mirror image of a human tower. I'd say Thinking, if I'd have to give it a title. Why people are sitting on top each other? I have no clue.


I would call this Roots. It shows the path of a human life in my opinion. After some time every human being grows roots, by settling down. The apple is interesting as it can be seen as temptations, the apple of Eve's and Adam's or the fruit of life, giving birth to life?


This was pretty clear and also heartbreaking. Looking at it, I tried to tally up how many ongoing wars are there. Starting with the Ukraine-Russia war, the Israel-Palestine war and continuing with Syria and so on. I don't know which one has inspired the artist, or just the idea of war in general, but the idea of offering peace instead of war is good.


Being sad in such a colorful world is not good. You see how the artist chose to depict the child in gray, a neutral and sad color among the colorful building? What do you see here?


At first glance it seems like Jesus, but I'm not sure. One interesting detail is the barbed wire around his head. At first it looks like there's a continuation, but if you look better, it goes around his had. The eye above is watching.

Another interpretation could be, the constant monitoring we're facing these days, with cameras everywhere. It can seem like a prison with barbed wire.


The last one for today, I don't even know what word to use here and you'll see why. At first glance I didn't know what to think of it. Then I had a closer look and saw it is made of leather. This was the first leather work I saw at that exhibition and was kind of charmed by it.



When I took this photo, that was when I recognized the flower. Then I took a step or two back and saw what the painting was about. It's a bit dark for me, but it's a good one.

Now you can see how different the style of the artist is. It's something to appreciate for sure. For me, this was the first exhibition, when I saw so many styles from the same artist ad I hope not the last.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



I like that 6th shot with the great colors. I see a sunset maybe bright sun for sure. Lots of light. Reflected on water in the middle. A tower/church across the water. Hard to interpret but the color and motion really works for me. I feel joyful or at least cheerful coming from this painting.


It's great that you se some meaning in it. The colors are bright and I love them. What you say makes sense to me and can see those things after reading your comment. Would you hang it on your wall?


I would hang that one on my wall. A place that needed some light and color.


It's always a delight to read about these exhibitions on your blog. I think I found the painting of the man and woman holding hands together interesting. Thank you for always sharing clips from most of the exhibitions you attend.


I'm glad you found one you like or at least find it interesting. It's a good one.


I am really amaze to those artist who did painting like these. When you saw them doing that art it looks like very easy but honestly it's very hard especially if you have no experyabout arts..

Have a Blessed day ahead 🙏❤️
