Sculptures, Paintings And Lots of Riddles

A couple of days ago I showed you some of the artworks I saw at an exhibition where artworks created at an art camp were displayed. None of the artworks had a title, so it was left to the viewer to decide what they see or what they think they see. It's a fun game for sure as it puts your mind to work.

Sculptures, Paintings And Lots of Riddles.jpg

Today I'd like to show you the rest of the works. There were paintings and statues as well, so bear with me if you want to see some interesting works.


Let's start with this one, which was a bit of a shock for me. Not because it's not good, but because the subject is interesting, or strange I should say. I wasn't expecting pipes and electricity polls to see on a painting. But taking a step back and judging the painting, it's a good one.


This was a total mystery to me. It's an abstract, but other than that, I don't know what to make of it. It has nice colors though.


A baby wrapped in a flower.


The wooden sculptures were part of the exhibition, the statue is the property of the Unitarian church and it's permanent. It's not just a statue though.

Unfortunately my photos don't give back the beauty if the sculptures as these were in a corner and there was no proper light but these on the right were quite beautiful.


There's this old stove, which most likely is a museum piece now as it's not set up to heat the room, does not have the necessary settings, but has historical value. Now it's holding the head.


This was another interesting one for many reason and trust me, I could not decide if I liked it a lot, or not. I liked the colors and the balance between the shades, although those white fences dominating is not exactly a favorable thing. What was a bit surprising was the electricity poll on the right and the cables. Painters rarely include those, but seeing it here, I suppose the painter was standing in front of this scene and painted a real picture about the scene, so to speak. I think I would like it without the electricity pole.


This was a drawing, a very nice one, but unfortunately it was under glass and had to find an angle to avoid reflections, but this is the best I could do. The interesting thing about this drawing is the door on the left. When I saw it, my first impression was that I knew where this door is, but then I realized the church I thought about has no window next to the door. Long story short, this is a typical medieval door design you find in most of the churches. I like it. Too bad reflection always has a say in it and not in a good way.


Here comes the first sculpture. This is a specific style, using a specific material. Unfortunately I can't recall the material used here. In any case, look at the face expression of the old man.


This is another riddle. Are there two human figures? What are these? Or what is this? What do you see here? Let me know as I'm lost.


Old lady with a basket. This statue reminds me of the hard life previous generation had. Village life was not easy. It's a great artwork, but I don't think I would want it as a reminder of the hardship those people went through.



A village illustrated with some parcels (?).


Mother and daughter in front of a wooden gate?


This was an amazing work. A drawing of a horse. Look at that face expression. I loved the details.


If you have a closer look, you can see the texture. This is a complex one for sure.


I'm gonna leave this to you. Please tell me what you see here.

So this is it for today, but I have a request. If you think you understand a painting, I mean you think you know what the artist meant, please let me know in the comment. I'm curious to see if we see the same thing or each one sees something else. It's a fun game, so let's start :)

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



I am really in love with your art work because it look amazing


I was strolling through this great cluster of communities that make up the Hive platform and I find these sweet pictures of a very important fact in the human set, but not all of us manage to develop it, I'm talking about Pareidolia.
I love photographs, although I am not very good at taking them, I like to appreciate how others do it more easily.

It's a pleasure to be here. Greetings @erikah


I'm really glad to hear that. Taking photographs is not difficult and you get used to it in time.



Here i see two human figures one is taller than the other,they both have bended knees with their hands raised up

Their posture makes them look sorrowful🥴

On the last artwork i see an old door, i see a short staircase. It looks like a building, but a confusing one😁


Thank you for the photos being shared but most especially for the links for newbies.☺️♥️
