A few weekend coastal shots

I've been fortunate lately that I've had a few opportunities to get my camera out and take a few pics outside the city. I'm not a photographer and there's loads that I don't know how to do and envy about those who are, but considering that 20 years ago most of my photos were absolutely terrible, I think I've made a little bit of progress since then.

The one thing I still struggle with is composure and often things don't reflect the look and feel that I was going for originally, but it's something I'm still working on.


I absolutely love moody skylines and even though I generally don't like taking day time photos while it's overcast, I've found that in the late afternoon the light can bring out some nice hues in the sky and that's what I did in this instance.

The light kept changing and two days apart the colour of the water was different too even though these were taken at the same place. I love the colour combinations here with the pastels and the soft tones that were complemented by the soft light.


The evening became more cloudy and as the light started fading, it brought out some beautiful patterns in the sky. It was nice that there was so much contrast between the choppy water and the soft hazy cloud cover. It's these details that I look for in the landscape that appeal to me.


Later when it became completely dark and I was in the marina, I took this long exposure below with my wide angle lens. It took 8 seconds and I had to brighten it up so that you can see the colour of the turquoise water. The colour in the cloud cover is the reflection from the lights of the next town over, about 20kms away and I love how it is reflected back in the water as well before it shows the green-blue.

Luckily it wasn't windy at all and I was able to take the photo without a tripod, I had my camera braced against a railing and I chose not to breathe while the aperture was open. 8 seconds feels really long when you don't breathe lol I know it's a bit grainy and not as crisp as I would like, but still don't think it was too bad for a free-hold long exposure. If you have any suggestions on how you would have taken these differently to improve the shots, please let me know, I'm always keen to learn and improve.


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Some great photos you have here! I love being able to get out there and doing these types of shots. One of the things I have struggled with is the long exposures! I tried it again last year and it failed miserably lol it was completely washed out. Good stuff!


Thanks @cmplxty it has taken a while for me to get to grips with it. The only way to really learn for me is to mess around and see what happens. Your long exposure was tooo long lol., hopefully you'll get another opportunity again soon.
