Mystical Meaning of Plants


Hey dear community, at the beginning of my new post I would like to welcome you all and hope you had a day full of positive experiences! Here I would like to go into a little bit about a mystical topic in connection with plants and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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Today I have received some pictures of flowers and would like to use them to go into more detail about the connection to mysticism and in this context, plants often appear in ancient cultures as magical plants with supernatural abilities. Some plants have often been associated with deities and there are legends in which plants have been used to perform magical actions or to find hidden things and a good example is the primrose which can be seen in some of the pictures and according to legends this could be the key to hidden knowledge or treasures. Some plants can show the door to hidden things on the basis of the growth of the flowers, such as through daphne which was named after Greek mythology and had the ability to show people the way to hidden treasures and when they had found it also to open it and there are even more examples of plants around which similar legends are linked. Some plants were also grown in certain places for protection and if you had certain plants in front of the door, they can protect your place of negative influences and if you should grow plants such as a sempervivum on the roof, this can even help against lightnings. In ancient cultures it was often the case to wear plants as jewelry because there was the suspicion that it allowed you to travel more safely or keep negative influences away and among cultures such as the Celts, some trees were particularly revered as magical creatures. The ancient alchemists also appreciated the spirituality of the plants and was strongly associated with their philosophy and this traditional and old knowledge of plants was also of great importance for healing purposes.

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In old alchemical works of art, plants appear again and again in a mystical context and it is said in old writings that one should throw little gold nuggets into the earth to create gold and this metaphor was also associated with the planting of seeds which creates the result of new life and this was also associated from a spiritual point of view with the power of the higher spirit. Some plants were also linked to the execution of love spells and there were interpretations of plants that could help to fulfill the wishes. The best-known European traditions of magical plants come from the old Germanic people or Celts and in other cultures there were similar traditions about the supernatural effect of some plants. Also in ancient China or Japan there are numerous plants that are linked to legends and were under the special protection of gods or other nature spirits and here there were also often views that some plants could serve as a medium between different worlds. In Africa, plants had a particularly high priority there were used because of the magical effects especially to ritual purposes and to get in touch with the ancestors and among the shamans there were similar interpretations. African spirituality is also strongly linked to the knowledge of plants and in Africa a very own direction of medicine has emerged in which medicinal plants were of great priority and these were just some of the numerous examples and many other plants appear in this context also in other cultures that were revered as magical plants.

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature and mythology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


wooow! the first picture is so beautiful! i have never seen such beauty in a photo :))) great work! and great description too! the key flower is called schlüsselblume = key flower in german.


It actually took me a whole lot of time for me to understand what it means for plant to be a living thing
