The Finicky Contessa

Last week I introduced everyone to my newest love, a 1951 Zeiss Ikon Contessa. I wasn't sure how she'd do but after rushing through a roll over the week I can finally report my results.

Overall, I still love her. There's a bit of a learning curve, and I didn't perfectly tune the focus on every shot, but for the most part they turned out better than I expected.

Not the easiest to hold, got my finger in a couple shots.

The frame counter never worked. By the end of the roll I noticed that everything longer than 1/25th was shooting at Bulb. Could be user error, could be 75 years of existence.

I got some blur, underexposure, overexposure, and a few "what the hell is that?" The Contessa is a finicky mistress, but a fun one. So fun in fact that I have won a bid for her bigger older sister Ikonta.

So keep watching, I'm sure I'll post when Ikonta arrives !






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Hello @driptorchpress and thank you very much for your #monomad participation!
Please keep in mind that in order to be considered valid, and as stated in our rules, every entry needs to be posted in the black and white community.
Unfortunately we won't be able to consider this one for that reason 🙁
