That Time I Went to Hot Springs And Didn't See a Hot Spring

Family vacation... Always filled with fun and memorable moments, right?

Well, memorable at least.

Nah, I can't complain. I did enjoy the very few real vacations we took when I was young. Most summers we went to visit family, which was great, but we didn't see much of the country except for the states between Virginia and Louisiana. The rare trip to somewhere new was always invigorating.

One summer, I'm guessing around 1997 or 98, we went to Arkansas. Yep. Arkansas.

I'm not sure if it was because of some family ties or just that my parents really wanted to see the Ozarks. But Arkansas it was. We went to Hot Springs for a day and walked around the small town.

My parents are on the bench at right bottom, something I had never noticed until I scanned the negatives and blew them up.

We also went to this strange house that had gardens all over the property, even on the inside. I do wish I could remember what or where it was exactly, a Google search proved useless in this endeavor.

The only thing that I remember vividly from the place was the cute girls I saw briefly in the house. I assume they were the owner's daughters. My young self was very interested. Oh, the brain of a teenage boy.

I was young. Super young. Pre-beard young, which for me was very very young. But I always did like the girls...

What strikes me as ironic about a trip to Hot Springs is that we never actually saw a hot spring. Bathhouses like the one in the first picture were definitely not my parent's cup of tea. So we stuck to the streets and a few non-bathing related tourist places.

What does this have to do with photography? Well, as you can see, these are all film photos. I probably took them with a disposable camera. I doubt my mom would have given me free reign with the family Canon Sure Shot. These are pretty much all the photos I have from this trip, which also included a visit to a diamond mine (where we found few, if any, diamonds) and several long drives through very mountainous and very poor countryside. I'm not sure why there aren't pictures of those parts of the trip, maybe I just haven't rediscovered the negatives yet.

If it weren't for these few pictures I probably wouldn't remember the trip happened.

Well, maybe I would remember the girls.


Thanks @insaneworks for helping me notice that people still post in this community. I thought it was long dead, but I see now that the feed is just buried in pinned posts. 🤣






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Old film photos just have something in them. I guess it's the worn out colors and the scenery and buildings that may not be there anymore. And the people of course too. It's really weird I think, seeing history paused. One moment in time. Thanks for sharing uyour pre-beard holiday time with us. :)

for helping me notice that people still post in this community. I thought it was long dead, but I see now that the feed is just buried in pinned posts.

You're welcome! And I know, at first I posted like couple of posts and thought that there was just some glitch or that my content was so bad that it was not accepted to the community and just before I was willing to accept my crappyness as a photographer and thought that fine, I'll be forever crossed to the community and will never post there again, I scrolled down a bit and found my posts. :D And carried on posting after that glad that I never expressed my disappointment that am I not good enough for them. Thaaaaaat would have been fuuuuunyyyyy... Not. 😁
