
Color color color! I have a love/hate relationship with color film. Probably because I can't load 35 mm film to save my life. The C-41 process isn't bad, but damn those reels.

Anywho, these are from the Zeiss Ikon Contessa, a rangefinder from 1951. Everything is fully manual and way more complicated than any modern camera phone.

And apparently so is loading the reel. I loaded two in the tank and this one for whatever reason decided to pop open and the film got bunched up.

These are all role players who always have a tent set up at the Ocala Geek markets in Ocala Florida.

All but this one seem to have the focus right. The viewfinder with built in rangefinder on the Contessa is tiny so it's always a bit of a guess.

I guess color isn't bad. I just have to figure out the reels....

Camera: Zeiss Ikon Contessa
Film: Kodak Gold 400



S. D. G.




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Some of the photos look like being taken with a modern top-range mobile camera ;) Another ten years and the phones will be able to take photos as the same-price cameras produced fifty years ago, hehehe.
Colors are exact and nice, I think.

