A Morning at The Nursery Garden With My Friend | Exploring Nature Together


Hi Hive friends.

Hopefully all of you are fine. It was Friday, so it was early in the morning, and the intention was to go to this beautiful place, because the longer it was, the more sunny it would be, and now it's hot here, so we had to plan to go there in the morning. Because Ramadan is also going on, time passes very quickly in the evening and you don't even know it, so you will make the same scene for some time.

The new place was found to be a nursery too but the people who worked here were very good and had worked hard to make the place very beautiful. This place was not far from our house so after 15 minutes we reached here and it was 12 am so we had two hours to roam around and then come back to offer Friday prayers. When we visited, we saw many special things here because this place was newly built, so everything was being focused on to make their business famous.

Today, the weather here has changed and the heat is very high. Even in the morning, the sun is very hot, so our city is very famous in the bad world because of the heat. Here it is also a fact that as the inflation has increased, people have decided that they will install solar panels and spend money.

But it is also heard that after some time, the government will It is also taxing above, so it is very wrong. Now nature has given us one thing, so the government is taxing it too. Couldn't pay here anymore we are also now planning to install solar energy and a green meter is also being installed here, from which the electricity will be reversed and given to WAPTA and they will give it to the people again during the winter. So, the price of this meter is too high, so its price should be reduced.

This plant was the biggest plant here, so I thought it was very beautiful. Sunflower is my favorite flower, so it is a joy to see such flowers. If you work hard and try to make them beautiful, then you must appreciate them too, because it is not so easy to take care of everything on time, to give water on time, so look at these flowers here.

They were more beautiful and until today nothing could be compared to natural things, so only by looking at natural things you get peace and you can't get peace from anything else, so I was also happy to see them, then I Didn't break any of the flowers from here because this stuff goes wrong, they are made with a lot of painstaking effort and they put a lot of effort into it for their customers.

Here again, we had grown a little bit, so there were all the vegetable plants here, and there were also fruit plants, so the way Aloe Vera is here, it has a special importance and there is a lot of demand for this plant. We see this plant everywhere because it is used for beauty and others here you can see this plant. It was a spinach plant so people like to plant it at home.

They did not give much importance to beauty, but now every person wants his house to be beautiful, so it is very important to have such flowers and plants in the house to make the house beautiful. Can't be beautiful because life is incomplete without natural things.

The pictures of these plants are made in length so that you can see their beauty in full and this thing seemed very good to me that these plants that were here were very angelic and we were relieved to see them. I was also getting it because today is fasting and because of the high heat it is a bit of a problem when you go to such a place when there is a cool breeze it feels very good so I like this place very much.

If so, I will definitely tell my friends to visit this place and if they need plants at home, they should go and buy them because their prices were much cheaper than other vendors. What other vendors were selling for 10 dollars, they were selling the same thing for 7 dollars and their quality was better than them, so I would recommend this place to people to visit once.

The beauty of the rose flower is loved by all of us human beings because its fragrance is the one I like the most among flowers and this flower is also used the most in the way that marriage is done now or in any such way. There is also a function, so the rose flower is used there, so the importance of this flower is very high here, especially in the Asian countries.

Flowers and plants make it, so we went to this place and saw many special things there too, the pots that break are wasted for them, so this is also a loss for them, so every business there are both profit and loss, so whenever we want to start a business, we must keep these two things in mind, otherwise we will never be able to become a good and successful entrepreneur.

I hope you like this place so let me know in the comments what is your favorite plant do you protect your garden the same way or do you have boys to protect it and whether you like flowers or not and how big your house is, whether it has a garden or not, then all these things you have to tell me in the comments, I will read the comments of all you people and they must I will reply. Do you love the rose as much as I do?

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.




Flowering time with extraordinary nature makes our hearts more beautiful. Thank you very much for introducing this nature and environment to us. I find peace in the sight of flowers.


Wao Nursery looks very beautiful.
I can see different kinda of flowers and plants in this nursery.
Rose at the end of the video looks marvellous.
Rose is my favourite.
