Birds are so cool

So fun to watch

Sitting on my porch and watching the birds eat from my bird feeder has become one of my favorite things to do throughout the day.

Just about everyday, there seems to be a new type of bird that shows up. I have found that from 7-9 in the morning and then from 5-7 in the evening, the bird feeder is most active and there is a feeding frenzy going on.

The birds quickly run out of space to stand on the feeder. It is mostly the little finches that are able to stand on it and eat, but luckily for the large birds, they are messy eaters and knock plenty of food onto the ground below for the birds that can't land on the feeder.

The yellow birds are pretty new to my tree and I think there are only two of them for now. At first, I only saw two red finches as well, but they have been multiplying quickly.

It's fun watching the birds squabble over the food too. They just dive bomb in and knock the others off the feeder so they can land.

The birds on the other side want nothing to do with the fighting and they just keep scarfing down as much as they can.

It seems the red finch has won the battle and is taking his place for a snack.

Now they just pose for the camera while they eat. It is pretty amusing watching these little birds go at it.

Speaking of little birds, I saw my first hummingbird at my feeders a couple days ago. I have seen this same one each day since then and I am hoping that it brings its friends soon.

It's so cool watching these little birds zooming around. I planted my lilac bushes and I can't wait for them to start blooming too because that will give the hummingbirds a natural food source.

While I was watching the other birds, I heard the ducks that live nearby and was quick enough to get a picture of them in flight. Not too bad catching them flying in the distance even though I was using a single point focus. I think I even caught the duck on the top taking a dump midflight.
It has been cool seeing all the birds that come to my yard since I put the feeders out. I can't wait to get more feeders up in the front and the back. I want to make my yard a special place for nature so our little grandson has a lot of animals to see each day. He already loves going out and looking at the trees.
You really monitored these birds😃😃
I love the pictures you took
They are awesome
Thanks. They were a lot of fun to take these pictures.
Were these photographs taken with artificial intelligence? 🤪 I'm kidding 🤣
Excellent work, very fast shutter speeds.
I took them with a 200mm lens and the speeds were like 1/2000th of a second or so. I am gonna have to up the ISO a bit next time and get some faster speeds so there isn't as much blur on the wings.
It's a solution, yes. At 1/4000 you get the effect you want.
So the feeder actually worked out really weell and at the same time you are doing you part to help the nature by feeding these little birds, soo col man!
It's been really cool to see all the birds show up. It's a lot of fun so far.
I would say these are the most beautiful and tender bird pictures I have ever seen, they convey such a warm feeling, I love it!
Thank you. The lighting was really good.
A mother, be it a bird or a human, values her children very much and protects them so that their children are not harmed.
Really cool shots! I personally enjoy it to endlessly watch a bunch of animals do their thing. Not just birds but I have several moments that I still remember watching ants pick up food spilled on the floor and then dismantle bit by bit carrying it away.. When we were in a hostel with bad internet, there were many afternoons where we'd used to watch closely what these creatures were up to.
Or geckos on the wall, waiting patiently until there's a mosquito they can catch.. It's calming for the mind to watch it.
I don't think I've ever seen a hummingbird in the wild, how cool, I hope that he brings friends soon!
Just staring at nature doing its thing is so satisfying. It is awesome to just stop everything that we have going on in this busy world and become one with nature.