[ESP/ENG] Alimentando a mis pollos pirocos/ Feeding my pyroco chickens.

Authored by @Danieldrawing


Buen dia amigos, espero la esten pasando muy bien, el dia de hoy hablaré sobre mis pequeños pollitos, son pirocos negros y los estoy alimentando con maiz molido, asi lo van a digerir fácilmente.

El maiz amarillo molido es mas recomendable para nuestras gallinas que el blanco, porque contiene mas aceite que ayuda a fortalecerlos.

Me gusta la raza de pollo piroco porque son resistentes y engordan mas rapido, y las gallinas son buenas ponedoras y sacadoras, otra ventaja es que se adaptan a cualquier clima sin ningun problema.

Me gusta agregarle abundante maiz molido, y ellos comen todo el dia, la gallina tambien se alimenta y los cuida de cualquier animal que los quiera cazar.

Poseen depredadores como serpientes, zorros, gavilan, gatos, entre otros que no dudan en atacarlos, pero para eso esta su madre que es capaz de dar su vida para defenderlos, nosotros tambien como criadores debemos buscar la manera de que esten seguros.

Good morning friends, I hope you are having a great time, today I will talk about my little chicks, they are black pyrocos and I am feeding them ground corn, so they will digest it easily.

Ground yellow corn is more recommended for our chickens than white, because it contains more oil that helps to strengthen them.

I like the pyroco chicken breed because they are resistant and fatten faster, and the hens are good layers and takers, another advantage is that they adapt to any climate without any problem.

I like to add abundant ground corn, and they eat all day, the chicken also feeds and takes care of any animal that wants to hunt them.

They have predators such as snakes, foxes, hawks, cats, among others that do not hesitate to attack them, but for that there is their mother who is capable of giving her life to defend them, we also as breeders must find a way to keep them safe.




Actualmente tengo 15 gallinas y estas son de las mejores que he tenido por mucho tiempo, poco a poco voy aprendiendo y mejorando que es lo importante.

No debemos olvidar las vitaminas y desparasitantes, es lo primordial que debe tener un pollo o gallina, ademas del buen alimento.

Teléfono: A20

I currently have 15 chickens and these are some of the best I've had for a long time, little by little I am learning and improving what is important.

We must not forget the vitamins and dewormers, it is the essential thing that a chicken or hen should have, in addition to good food.

Telephone: A20
