Curie Author Showcase (January 24, 2023)



In the spirit of Curie's mission to promote undiscovered and exceptional content, we wish to use this ongoing section to provide an author showcase for some of the outstanding authors who received Curie upvotes in the past week. Selected posts are nominated by curators for inclusion in this showcase.

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Featured Author: @mommyjane
A "Folk Medicine" for My Daughter's High Blood Sugar and My Knee Pain

Hello, wonderful people of the Hive world. I've been busy this past week and just read the ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #41 by justinparke this Sunday evening and got interested in this challenge because I had always used herbal medicine for my kids, especially the Type 1 Diabetic daughter. Hopefully, I still have a few hours to be able to have my entry.

I have been thinking to write a blog regarding this plant that has been a great help to us since the time we knew it. But I always ended up writing other things. Now is my chance to make it done.

Featured Author: @romeskie
Our Homeschooling Journey: Portfolio Gala 2023

Last Saturday was such an amazing experience both for me and my daughter. Our Homeschooling provider organized an event where we gathered together and let our kids just show what they have learned so far during the last 2 quarters. The theme of this year's homeschooling was Transformation. I can very much relate to the theme because of how much our homeschooling journey this year has transformed not only my daughter, but also my parenting, as well as my teaching method. From stressed out and doubtful, I was transformed into the relaxed and confident homeschooler that I am today. My daughter now has been ever more talkative, inquisitive, curious, and very sociable.

Featured Author: @jasperdick
The Singing Voice / La Voz Cantante (ENG/ESP) - Week 51 - "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty (Cover)

Hello everybody on Hive and especially the PukoMundo Community! My name is Jasper and I'm writing (and singing) to you from Cape Town in South Africa!

This is Week 51 of the “Singing Voice” or “La Voz Cantante” challenge, but only my second time contributing. nahupuku was kind enough to let me know that all the genres that led up to modern rock, metal and punk are also acceptable to cover, so I thought I would do the classic rock song “Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers to mix up the decades a bit!

Featured Author: @triplug
Maltese Architecture

A happy new year to all those who yesterday celebrated the passage into the new year, the year of the water rabbit.

Did you give each other gifts in red boxes? :)

When we read about Malta, we think first of all about vacations, about a small island located in the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Italy or Africa, ready to be explored in peace, a real paradise for #photographylovers.

Featured Author: @labanez
Farm-to-Table Delight with Crab in Oyster Sauce

One thing I love about going home is seeing the refreshing view of green vegetables growing in our backyard, courtesy of course of my Mama's passion for planting with the help of her amazing green thumb.

So what else could be the more perfect recipe for some fresh crabs (that you bought in the neighborhood which I posted here) than cooking it together with the freshly picked vegetables that are available at the comfort of your little garden at home? Aside from saving money by buying them in the market, you are also sure that they're pesticides free.

Featured Author: @johannpiber
Garnitzenklamm (gorge) | icy trail - ice-free water

The Garnitzenklamm is a 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) long gorge near Hermagor in the Gail Valley (Gailtal) in Carinthia. There are a lot of waterfalls and awesome rock formations and you should not forget to visit this gorge when you are in Austria because it's really worth it.

Above and below are views down from one of the wooden bridges over the brook. I just love the colours and the textures of the rocks. And looking down on the other side of that bridge you can see these cool looking boulders in the middle of the brook.

Featured Author: @pieternijmeijer
Books I'm looking forward to reading in 2023 (Contest Entry)

Hello Hivers and Book Clubbers,

As far as deadlines are concerned, I've always been one to turn in my work right before that deadline expires. So if a context in the Hive Book Club runs until January 24th, expect me to deliver it the 22nd, as is the case. Let's get into it.

I've selected five unread books on my shelf that I'm looking forward to reading this year, and I'll go by them one by one here, to tell some background, specifics etc. We go from top to bottom, from the smallest in size to the largest in the image shown above.

Posts for this author showcase were selected by Curie curator @alcibiades. All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors.


Wow - thank you so much for including me in this list! I really appreciate it!


Wow, what a nice surprise to see my post featured here 😀
Thank you so much kindly, @alcibiades & @curie, I really appreciate your support a lot 🙏😊

Cheers and !BEER


Wow 😍. I was not expecting this. Thank you so much for your support. It helps a lot for us to be noticed by others. I appreciate it. ❤️
