The High Cost of Neglect // More Scans From A Nostalgic Past (35mm)


If you missed the introduction to this project then allow me to briefly explain it before showing more content.

This is a project containing of 300+ lost 35mm negatives. It is a story of neglect, a story of fractured memories and a dream world that existed when we were young.

It is Art by chance. Something that happened over time, was lost and forgotten but rediscovered in the modern age.

If you haven't already guessed. The colourful apparitions are organic naturally occurring fungus and mould. The end result is what look like vast distant galaxies. These are very basic examples of what we have to work with and there isn't a speck of digital alteration. Just raw scans. The microscopic world is as vast as the Universe.

This is exactly why I fell in love with macro photography. One square inch of earth becomes a jungle of life that we can explore through the lens. I spent many years exploring the world through my macro lens and microscope.

Photographing and filming many life forms that go unnoticed. The macro world is as alien to us as life on Mars. We look so far outward that we miss the very opportunities that lay beneath our noses.

The same can be said for our lives. Move to fast, blink too much and you might just miss it. A great quote from a great film. I'm aware that was a para-phrase though, if you can get the reference I'll throw you a virtual fist-bump.

We are both really excited to share our ideas and art with you over the next year. Leave a comment and let us know how you feel about nostalgia, good memories and bad, can we look back with a positive eye on even the darkest times of our life?

Love and Peace,
Cotton & D.


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