Some Forking Thoughts

Yeehaw! Fuck the law! It's shitpost season y'all! With the hard fork knocking out the autovotes it's all manual votes for now, should be interesting to see who's actually out there clicking around.

My last post exceeded my wildest expectations in terms of rewards, so their possible impending lack doesn't worry me overmuch. C'este la vie. In a way it's something of an opportunity. I've had a couple ideas I've been kicking around in my head that are more about rewards that have no connection to upvotes, so what better time to drag them into the light.

It has been my experience that things that I become familiar with, spend a lot of time around begin to seem mundane and uninteresting, at least from a photographic perspective. Did discover in Colorado that with enough edibles it is possible to see anything with new eyes. Still, that's something other than a reliable solution.

At the same time, I find everyone else's 'slice of life' photos endlessly fascinating, a sort of window to the world. After too much coffee I start to wonder, do they see their daily environs the same way I see mine? What if we all documented a little bit of the mundane? Side by side, from all around the hive, we could make a sort of living documentation of the human experience.

Hive already is that, in it's own chaotic and unfocused fashion. But what if we made a more coherent, collective attempt at documenting it? A sort of documentary of the world, of, by, and for hivers.

What form this would take or how we would do it I'm none too sure about. I'm writing this half to flesh out my own thoughts on it and half to solicit input and gauge interest. I have the organizational skills of a coked out squirrel, there's no way in hell I could organize something like this on my own, anybody want to work on a group project?

That brings me to the other thing I wanted to get into, collaboration. I mostly haunt the photography related parts of hive, while there's an abundance of lovely photo contests I've yet to come across anything collaborative in nature. Could just be looking in the wrong places, if so please point me in the right direction.

Any of you photographers out there want to work together on a project(s)? Again, I don't have anything specific in mind, please hit me up if you have an idea for one. As a starting point/example, here's an idea that came to as I was writing:

Pair up interested photographers and give them a series of prompts for which they take a single photos, create diptychs with the results. Alternately, have them give each other prompts for photos.

Hopefully this sparks some ideas, drop me a comment if you have and thoughts or questions.

Hive is fun and all but why not have more fun?


Sounds like what you want is a weekly community photography challenge thing. Weekly would give people more time to travel, find models, etc. and could winnow out the daily me-too shitposts.


Yes and no. The phrase 'distributed documentary' comes to mind, a lot of people contributing a small bit, akin to the weekly challenge thing but with more of a coherent, overarching theme (?). Also, less about competition and more about cooperation. My background is in history and I was at least somewhat thinking of it in that context, like a giant open source primary source.


More of a "snapshot of time" thing? Like, "Here's my neighborhood/small town/workplace now" and show changes over time?


Yeah, that and also as a way to capture/show the range of human existence. I was thinking the other day about our obsession with othering and how knowledge/understanding can counter that, trying to figure out how to use hive to help that. So much of our perception of other people and places is filtered through so many information gatekeepers, why not create a source that they can't censor.


wow very nice picture display. I like to see the attributes used by the police.


Thank you! Attributes? Do you mean the general air of hostility? Or all the gear / equipment they're festooned with?


Hey, as usual, interesting series, and the pose of the ready-for-fight policeman
love your idea about cooperation, but not sure what kind of cooperation is possible here on Hive.
The biggest problem of this place as a microblog is the longevity of the post. after 24 hours after posting no one is interested to vote, I even don't talk about reading and writing.
check your recent high-rewarded post - with this amount of $ and likes there are only a few comments, and 1/3 of them are bots(pizzas, luv, monochrome.)
Once I tried to write some 200 random words not connected in any kind of theme each to other and got the same amount of likes, a few comments, and only one said that can't get the meaning of the text.


Thank you! Yeah, I'm not too sure how much is possible on here but I thought I'd say something and see if anybody else had ideas. I feel like it could be rewarding in its own right to work with people on here but it would be art for art's sake, I have no clue how to mesh that with hive's ebb and flow, much less how rewards work.

Lol, I think that's more of a problem with people than hive, I've had similar experiences across a wide range of platforms. I know what you're saying though, most of my upvotes come from curation trails with only a few people regularly commenting and a decent number of those have obviously not read the post. It is what it is, I can't change people or hive. That's part of why I'm testing the waters on collaboration, sort of as a way to get something out of hive that's not tied to other people's attention spans.

Yeah, I did something similar a while back, wrote a 'fake poem' that was meant to sound deep while still being bereft of actual meaning and inserted a few photos. It did better than many of my more normal posts and nobody seemed to pick up on it being something of an elaborate joke.


"I think that's more of a problem with people than hive" - you're right, finally the people are the members of this community. but the Hive rules and principle of operation bring them the ability to automatically vote after the curie account without even being logged here or checking the content of these posts. This place just needs this dust making $ from them :-)
I will be happy to collaborate, just have no idea :-(


I will be happy to collaborate, just have no idea

Awesome! I have no idea either but I will keep that in mind and put some thought towards it. Sooner or later one of us will have an idea :)


How does the hard fork knock out the autovotes? Edit: Oh, I guess you mean they were offline temporarily.


Lol, I probably should have been a little more clear. When I started writing that they weren't working, I couldn't even log into but by the time I hit publish they seemed to have started working again.


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!


Hmmm imhave been less than my active hive self recently due to the grind of mundane type work to gather up some funds for traveling soon. I think I might take your cue and do some shots of the mundane workplace I am currently in. It’s less than inspiring and therefore quite a challenge. Give me a day or so and I’ll knock one out!


Hell yeah! I feel you on the grind, trying to blog after work never went well for me. Where are y'all headed next?

We should start calling it the Mundane Challenge 🤣 I'm convinced that the mundane-ness of something is directly proportional to your proximity to it. Looking forward to it!


This photo is full of power 🔥 nice one and good composition
