Monochrome Monday Chilled Waterfall


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate finding a nice, random waterfall!

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Monochrome Monday Chilled Waterfall

Waterfalls are most definitely one of my favorite things to see and photograph. The running water makes such a good scene to snap a few pictures of! When the little man were out exploring one of the days, we stumbled on something that we've heard people talk of before but didn't get to appreciate the full effect of until the water levels in the area were down quite a bit, allowing us to actually see the waterfall.

This spot that we went here was one that we've fished at quite a bit over the summer and have explored many other parts of it which make it pretty cool. We certainly have been over to this area but mostly when it was a full reservoir and not the drained version that they do in the wintertime that we see here. It is actually nice to see it at this stage, because you can appreciate just how much water is truly moving in this area on a daily basis!

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The property on the other side of the waterfall here is sadly off limits as people don't want others on their side of it, which I guess is understandable. People these days are pretty foolish and will do something dumb if given the chance so they fenced it all off. Their shore is a nice spot to get to if you can but we opted to respect them and instead take the photos of the waterfall from this perspective and it came out pretty cool. I really like the black and white version of it!

I was actually playing around a bit with GIMP and didn't realize that when you use the "desaturate" version of monochrome, you get different desaturate options! There are minor differences in each of them which are cool and I might focus my next post on one or two images but just different swaps of the desaturated algorithm to see how the images get produced. Cool stuff to figure out!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Wao what a great and wonderful place. Natural sights do much good to the human heart. Some time ago when I also went to the northern areas of Pakistan, I also saw many of these water falls and they looked very beautiful.


That looks so incredibly cold in black and white!

GIMP is really quite awesome with all the features it has, and most of them are really quite easy to use, too. you've got some good results.


Yeah with black and white it definitely looks colder lol it’s gotten even colder here thankfully lately so it feels more like winter. In a few days we will have had 7 days straight of sub-freezing temps at night which is good to freeze up the lakes for skating!

I love gimp, more so that it’s free and open source which is the best. My wife pays for an Adobe account but I’m hopefully going to get her to give that up for this lol
