Flowing Water Photography

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures that I took recently when we were at the mountains!


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Flowing Water Photography

There's something about flowing water that is incredibly beautiful and interesting to me! I love the way it sounds, the way it looks and feels. I think it's probably human nature or something to be honest haha.

We recently went for a trip up to the mountains, one of my personal favorite areas and a favorite of my wife and son as well. It's got all kinds of beauty to behold but one of my favorite parts about it is the gigantic amounts of rivers, streams and just generally flowing water. It's got some pretty amazing stuff all around!


There is this one place that we like to go to, and I've shared a couple pictures of it before, but it's an area that's had flowing water going over it for likely hundreds or thousands of years. The water has been going over it for so long and so much, that the rocks are unbelievably smooth! You can kind of see some of it here in these pictures but some of the additional pictures that I'll be posting in a future edition will really be able to showcase the beauty of it. With this here though, I wanted to first start with how interesting the water ends up being and looking.

The area is really cool because you can walk down this tiny trail at the bottom of this little nook of a park. The park itself is pretty small but it's actually a pretty popular destination for the area to have a small and quaint wedding, they have the wooden alter structure and everything which is nice.


What's cool is that the way the rocks are in the area, you can get really down and close to the waters edge and take some damn cool pictures! The only man-made structure in the spot is seen here, there is a little cement foot bridge that was built by the town so that you can go from one gigantic boulder to the next which works out nicely. It also creates for a pretty cool picture of the water flowing underneath it!

The additional thing here that was great was this was the first real test for our new DSLR camera lens that we got which was awesome. I got my wife an 18-140mm lens I think (or maybe 18-120? I forget :D) it is for Christmas last year. For various health reasons we didn't get out much to use it but we finally got the chance to when we went to the mountains and we were amazed by it! We really love the ability that the lens gives us to zoom in nicely or stay zoomed out depending on the shots.


I was having a lot of fun with the zoomed in shots! I was a few feet away from these pieces of flowing water and was able to get a nice close zoom in on them whereas with the 50mm lens we were using before, as much as we love it and it takes some crisp and gorgeous shots, it really limited you from being able to have some fluctuation with how you are taking the picture.

The other thing I love about the new lens as well is how crisp the pictures look! I know that the phones these days are amazing and take some pretty damn good pictures but to me, they don't have the crispness that these pictures do, so these stand out as a bit of a nicer picture. Capturing the water as it's flowing down, and the bubbles, is something that I really loved with this shot in particular!


I'm going to try not to post all of the pictures at once and use them all up LOL I've got a number of them and will be doing one every few days, so I can spread them out! :D

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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This water looks so clean
Even more clean than some that people bath with
Do you know that there are some places with bad water?


Yeah I've seen plenty of bad water! It's as clean as it is because it's flowing from the wonderful mountains. It's also incredibly cold which also helps keep the bacteria down!


I loved reading your post about flowing water photography! It's so clear that you're passionate about the subject, and your enthusiasm is infectious.

I especially enjoyed your description of the place where you went to take these pictures. It sounds like a truly magical spot, with its ancient, water-smoothed rocks and its picturesque setting.

I'm also glad to hear that you're so happy with your new DSLR camera lens. It's always exciting to get new gear, and it's even better when it allows you to take the kind of shots that you've always dreamed of.


Yeah the photography is a lot of fun, you tend to get access to some pretty beautiful spots when you go out looking! Thanks for stopping by man!


Whenever one goes inside the mountains one sees many natural sights then one's mind relaxes a lot the way you have shared all these pictures with us they are all very beautiful
