Balancing Thoughts and Photography

Hi fellow Ranters,

Today I wanted to chat a little bit about what I am trying to balance when it comes to posts!


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Balancing Thoughts and Photography

One of the things that I find interesting of late for me, is balancing out my posts into the things that I want to do.

I think I'm lucky in that I have a lot of different things to post about, between my real life things that I do with my son and my wife and son, and the posts that I come up with a topic to write about. I've got quite a bit of things in the back log let me tell you! What I'm trying to do, and it's a great problem to have that's for sure, is balance out what I am posting!


Finding a balance between things is important for sure, when the scales are even it makes things nice in a lot of realms. This isn't always possible of course, for various reasons but aiming to achieve balance is a good thing to strive towards! I have a lot of pictures that I take when I'm out with my family or out with just my son and I love to take a step back and snap a photo or two so that I can add it to a blockchain post in the future. That is great for sure and I have been trying to balance that a lot where I'm not always focusing on getting the pictures but I am also making sure that I spend time in the moments. Taking those pictures though, one of the things that I don't always have time to do right away is turn them into posts!


The latest thing I have been getting a lot better at doing is making sure I also write down the thoughts that pop into my head that I think would translate well into a post to share with folks and hopefully spark some engagement and conversations on said post. This has turned into a pretty good document on my computer, where I've got at least a dozen posts on there and the list is growing every week! I have been able to take a post or two off the list but lately I have been trying to also make sure that I post the pictures and stories of the locations that we are visiting so that I can get that taken care of so the pictures don't get stale on my hard drive, and that they are relevant to the season and things going on in life. I did have a post in June that highlighted a snowman because I was a little slow to get those uploaded hahaha oops.

The balance is something I am definitely getting better at though, I am making it a point to be more focused on getting the pictures downloaded off my phone or DSLR camera SD card and onto my computer so that I can get them organized, or semi-organized into a post for the lovely folks of the Hive community. This has been a great process for me because I am able to have some cathartic outlets for not only my random mental thoughts but also able to help process the experience that I had when on a hike with my son, fishing trip with my wife and son, or beach day with my wife and son. These moments are precious and me reliving them by typing them out in a post has been an excellent way to file things away in my memory cabinet!


There isn't always room for these things though, so as I said it's definitely a balancing act. It takes time to do each post because I care about what I am writing about and don't just throw a picture or two in there with 25 words and call it a post. I make sure that my posts have at least 800 words most of the time, because telling a story is important for me and I know that I'm more entertained by reading a decent little story associated with a few photos than I am to see just a block of text, or just a few photos and no story to it. Call me old fashioned.. in the days of AI and computer generated shit, you gotta be able to retain some level of humanity in my opinion!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Honestly, writing 800 words is so amazing but I don't write up to that. I still write 500 words and above. At the same time, it depends on the number of words that we were told to write in a contest.


Yeah it’s good but what’s most important is making sure you always reply to comments on your posts. We may miss some but going back and looking at your posts on your page and replying to people is the #1 rule!


Yup. Posting interesting things is a definite challenge for me, though it pales in comparison to the challenge of actually finding the time to do it!


Yeah I struggle with the time aspect of it lol. Particularly of late but I'm trying to get some time between different things to get it done!


All these natural beauty places looks so beautiful and amazing. This snake looks so big.


The snake was a big size that's for sure!


Everything should be in balance, I agree. And it's a current topic for me as well being in that phase where I was forced to balance out a lot of things to make sure I can be efficient and productive at the same time while I deal with my back issue. It's another week and a half before I see the doc and get treatment (hopefully).

One of the things I did was create a week's worth of content ahead before starting to publish here again so that I can take of the pressure as I feel bad when not writing here for a few weeks, lol.

These docs you create are perfect, I also try to divide pictures that are suitable for a post into folders immediately so that I see there's lots to choose from.

Loving these pictures btw!



Yeah for sure! I need to catch up on those back issues you are having. Hopefully you will get some improvement soon!

I've been creating a few days worth of content ahead of time. It allows me to space things out but also get some time off. I've been enjoying some evenings away catching up on some movies that I haven't seen yet but have been interested in. Good times!


It works well for me, until I run out because life didn't allow me to work ahead some days, lol. I aim to create some more drafts, even if it's just half a post.. it helps ..

That's nice some evenings away or movies. Any movie tips?

While the pain flared up quite shitty some days, I didn't write anything here until yesterday. Status is MRI done, it mainly said discopathy L5-S1 and I have the x-ray as well. I can see clearly that the position of my hip is not right (knew this a decade ago, it explains my current painful knacks in the hip) so I'm really curious what the doc will say in more than a week .. I have the feeling it all comes down to the hip being positioned lower on one side causing this stuff. I can barely manage to get to the evening, at the end of the day my pain comes back full force and I need to take the pain med earlier than the previous weeks.

Booked an appointment at the general doc tomorrow to show her the results (as the trauma doc doesn't have time for another week) and ask what to do now that the painmeds run out and pain is worse in the evening while I have another week to get through before I hear about any treatment.

I'm trying to do as much as possible before the evening falls and walking on the boulevard to keep moving.. I will ask what else I can do safely because some of the stretching I did weeks ago made it worse at the time, so now I'm waiting for safe instructions, lol.

