RE: 1 project 8 countries.

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Oooh, now you're talking, !! An epic linen shirt sounds like a plan, and I can just imagine, if you had a few skeins, that one might end up embroidering every inch of every garment and fabric item within reach, before returning home... That would be amazing! I've been chatting with a few friends about your incredible journey - and the sewing aspect: I was encouraging a new friend who's doing Workaway in the town, and was thinking of getting an embroidery hoop at the market, to go for it - saying that travelling is a great context in which to sew!! 😍😍😇


...there is still a chance to find that linen shirt😁🚲

was thinking of getting an embroidery hoop at the market

Selling her embroidery? There is indeed so many ways to integrate traveling with craft(or at least many ways to explore them), I am sure it would be an interesting experience...and kind of getting away of the thoughts and concepts, that things can be only done in one way!
