RE: Dancing The Path


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It is very good to know that your father's health is recovering every day dear @apolymask!

Yes, our life is an exceptional movie in which we are the main protagonist, scriptwriter and director. We are responsible for all the characters and actions and locations that appear and will appear in it. Money is very important, because it helps us to have "freedom" as Jim Carrey says! Freedom to buy and do infinite things. But for those intimate moments with ourselves and nature there is no currency that can make transactions.

I think that more than a poet, you woke up as a philosopher!

Take care of yourself, and give a warm greeting and a hug to your dear father from me!


Thank you for the kind and thoughtful words in regard to my father. :)
Life is a lot like a movie! Or perhaps like an interactive videogame, I'm not sure that we set up all the characters and such though? I think some of that might be random or coincidence? But, then again perhaps in the broader spiritual picture whatever was going to happen is what did happen.

I'm not against the idea of money. It can serve a helpful purpose in ways, but the main money systems in the world are corrupted and used in unhealthy ways by many.

Agree with the last part about moments with ourselves and nature and no currency can buy such, ot at least no man made currency.

Heh. Perhaps, though I've been a philosopher for a long time. I do feel like I am reaching much higher levels though!


I believe that if we dedicate more time to refine, in our favor and in favor of our environment, the things over which we really have control then the corrupt world will be there, like the images that haunt the protagonist of the movie a bewitching mind which he cannot stop seeing, but he has decided that he will not pay attention to them and will not continue to deteriorate his quality of life.

Take care dear @apolymask
