December Photo Dump: Be Real



With Tik Tok becoming an app that everyone (not me) uses lately, it seems the younger generation has moved on to new and more exciting apps. One of those apps that my nieces have latched onto in the past year is called "BeReal".

Basically, at a random moment in the day you will get a prompt from the Be Real app. You then need to take a picture of whatever is in front of you. The interesting thing about the app is it also takes a picture from the other camera on your phone so your friends can see what you are doing too.

Understand the concept?

I guess it's mostly just a way for kids to see what is happening in each others lives. I am sure many people stage their Be Real posts to be more exciting. I know I have made it into one or two of my nieces posts. If that isn't exciting, I don't know what is! :)

Keeping that in mind, I decided to share some random photos from my phone that I have taken this past month. Sadly, you are just going to get the front shot from my phone, but I think you will live.


We had a number of co-workers have birthday's this month. That means the obligatory trip to the local bar to have a couple of drinks after work. @mrsbozz always says "we will go for one", but I know one usually turns into two.

I don't buy PBR like I used to, it is just too heavy for me, but on a rare occasion I will order it and remember just how tasty it is!

I feel like this photo could easily be turned into a black and white shot or manipulated some way to be a bit abstract and it would look really cool. I might have to play with that sometime.


This was the second significant snow we got this year. A little before Thanksgiving we got about four inches of snow. It was still too warm, so it didn't last very long. This snow fell one night in December and the temps are finally low enough that most of it is still sitting on the ground.

We have a bomb cyclone heading our way predicted to dump about 10 inches of snow on us starting tonight. I'm pretty happy that today is our last day of work before the Holiday Weekend. It's going to be nice to sleep in tomorrow and know I don't really have anywhere to be.

According to the last weather map I saw, the path of the storm is supposed to take it right over the heart of Michigan. Pretty much right smack dab into our home town. It should be interesting. I've been fooled by weather forecasters before, so I will believe it when I see it!


The other weekend, @mrsbozz went out Saturday morning to have breakfast with an old high school friend of hers. I decided if she was going to go out to eat, then I might as well too. I had to run to the meat market for some other things, but before I did that I placed a take out order from a local place called Lasko's. I picked it up on my way home and enjoyed it with our dog Jovi sitting next to me begging for chunks of ham.

This was the farmers omelette. Onions, shredded potatoes, ham, cheese all wrapped in three eggs. Next to it I had some Texas Toast with jam. It was delicious and far more than I could eat in one sitting. I saved a good third of it and had that for lunch. It was delicious. I've never been able to master the art of omelette making, so I always enjoy a good one on the rare occasion I eat out for breakfast.


The moon was out that same morning that I took the pictures of the snow. You can just make it out through the trees in the center of the photo. It was such a crisp and clean morning. I really love this time of year and how the snow sticks to the trees and makes them so beautiful.

Even more so when it is the weekend and I don't have anywhere I need to be.


Here is a closer look of the moon through the trees. Despite our proximity to the expressway and the ever present "hum" of cars racing down the road, it was still a pretty peaceful morning. If it hadn't been so cold I likely would have stood out and enjoyed it a bit more. Jovi spent a good deal of time rolling around in the snow and frolicking like a puppy even though she is 13 years old.

I'm really looking forward to having the next four days off for the holiday. I know there will be a lot of running around some of that time, but the down times will be more than worth it.


The other morning I had a doctors appointment and after leaving the office I had a good half hour drive up to where I work. This was the view I had during part of that drive. Trust me when I say the pictures don't even do it justice. It was an amazing explosion of pinks and reds and oranges. I should have stopped and taken a proper picture, but like I said, I was on my way to work.

Pulling over on the side of the expressway didn't seem like a viable option and by the time I got to the back roads, the sun had come up enough that the light show was over.

We usually get some pretty colorful sunrises and sunsets where I live, but this is probably one of the most magnificent I can remember seeing in quite some time.


It kind of makes you wonder if the other drivers appreciated it as much as I did. As you can see, the photo above was from the back roads and the colors has already started to shift to a single tone. It was still beautiful though. I really wish smartphones could capture all of the colors like our eyes do.

I guess I just need to finally get around to investing in a proper camera some day!

If you celebrate the holidays, I hope you can take some time to just be still this weekend and soak it all in. If you don't, still take a moment to pause and reflect on the past year. We've been through a lot, but this is just the beginning. Are you ready?

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


The oldest sun does use BeReal. Also interesting to mention, that we he does chat with his friends, a photo is added to each message. Really don't get the point of doing this.


Yeah, I don't understand a lot of what the kids are doing these days, but they are living a totally different life than we did. I was never a fan of the whole snapchat thing, it just seems like a lot of problems to me!


I've never been able to master the art of omelette making

Practice, I love them and often will make one to use up some leftovers from the fridge!
So you got your dump of snow after all. Does it lie for weeks on end, we are lucky to get any really!


It hasn't come yet, but it is on the way. Barring a mid winter warm up, the snow will likely stay on the ground until March. I think I need to get a different pan. I notice all of the hotels that have a make your own omelette bar use small pans.


Nice photo dump. Glad you got a few good food shots in there too.


Thanks, I appreciate it!


It should have said Food shots! Spell checker has mind of its own lol


Haha, no worries! I have fallen prey to the spell checker myself!


I kind of like the idea of taking a few randoms off your phone for a post but can't think of anything worse than a friend or family member seeing me "messy hair no care factor" in the morning, they would probably want to call an ambulance 🤣

You guys stay safe with that cyclone heading through, should make for some more nice photos. I love those skylines, beautiful deep colours. We get them here too but I'm hardly around to take photos of the sunset these days. Note to self: Do more of that!

Hope you both have a wonderful festive season and you don't get too snowed in. 🎄


Thanks! To you as well! With the wind they are calling for, I am more worried about losing power. It takes a lot to keep Michigan folk snowed in! I am pretty careful about the pictures I use because I have to resize them and stuff. I understand what you are saying though!


I'm ready!!

What a gorgeous sunrise! The best part of the day. To be real, they are all golden moments, but, sunrise makes a better picture. I agree that we need to take a moment and enjoy life. Slow down, and breathe. Oh, yes!

It is what makes life abundant and beautiful.

When the moon peeks through like that, it is always magical. Out of place almost if it is in the morning light. Nice shots and yes! Those cans would make a great photo to fool around with!

Enjoy your time off! Now I am going to make an omelet! That looks delicious!


It really was amazing even though I ordered the wrong thing. I always get farmers omelettes and western omelettes mixed up. I wanted western but I said farmers. It was still tasty!


Even though I'm online a lot I don't want some app deciding when I post. I guess with kids it's all about novelty. That sunrise you saw it pretty good though. At least during winter there is a chance I'll see the sun come up, but my phone camera doesn't seem to capture the colours so well.


I don't think any phone camera really does. I have heard you can mess with the white balance on some of the ones that have more manual controls, but it hasn't really worked out too well for me. I think the randomness of the app is what drives a lot of the appeal.


My phone has various 'AI' settings. It can be good for low light indoors, but for a sunrise you don't want to to try and correct the levels.


I envy you guys who have snow this time of the year. Nice pics, by the way. And... no, I wouldn't use that "be real" app. It's like being called for appeal. I prefer @liketu.


Just wait. We have plenty more on the way. I'm looking forward to see how much we actually get.
