A Little Birdie Told Me...

Spring is officially here!~ πŸŒ·β˜€οΈ It only took until mid-May but we are finally enjoying some balmy, sunny weather. So today we decided to take our little ones to the Royal Botanical Gardens trail! It's a wonderful little spot where the critters will eat right out of your hand! 😱

Here was our oldest daughter attempting to feed a tiny chipmunk 🐿️ Unfortunately as "domesticated" as the wildlife is there, they still wouldn't allow our daughter to feed them -- she was too full of energy! πŸ˜„

Here are a few shots of a beautiful red squirrel that my husband took. Squirrels are not nearly as skittish as chipmunks, but this one had a difficult time warming up to us regardless.

A photo of our oldest in her sunglasses 😎 She loves showing them off, plus she looks incredible stylish~

As we approached the water we saw this family of geese sitting on the boardwalk. Of course the parents are extremely protective of their young, and they will hiss and bite if you get too close! I thought it was so adorable to see one of the babies tucked under its mother's wing πŸ₯Ί

I saw some graffiti that I chose to take as a sign. If you see the sign, you will receive good news within 24 hours!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ

We began to ascend up a hill, past some train tracks, and came to this beautiful lookout of our city ❀️ I thought it was a lovely spot, and my husband agrees! He will be returning to this spot soon in order to do some light photography...

The end of the trail started to lead us back into town. On the way back, we passed a park and decided to stop to take some photos of our babies.

Here was our oldest daughter climbing this entire rockwall by herself! 😱 She is only 2-and-1/2-years-old. The park is recommended for ages 5-12! But she did everything herself, including going down the slide!

Here she was on a giant swing -- she absolutely loved it! πŸ˜„

Pictured above: two cute babies, and one tired mama! πŸ˜…πŸ˜ͺ

All in all, it was a wonderful day. And wouldn't you believe it -- by the time it was all said and done, my husband informed me that we had all walked over 7 and 1/2 kilometers! 😱 But the sun felt amazing, and I can't wait to share more posts like these soon! Thank you for reading πŸ™


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What a wonderful park and definitely important to get out with the kiddos! Cool that the animals will come right up to you!


Our girls can't get enough outdoor time! πŸ˜‚ That entire trail was 7.5 km and our oldest must have walked at least 3-4 km. Neither of them have any desire to be static, and I'm grateful for it πŸ™

Thank you for your comment, and I apologize for the late response!


I do wonder, what is the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel? Is it their sizes?

Your daughter is absolutely rocking her fashion. lol… a fashionista.

Normally, it takes time for any kind of animal to warm up to anyone especially humans.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful day with us.


I went to research it, and you are right! They are both from the same animal family, only a chipmunk is smaller and has stripes.

Thank you for your kind words πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ I appreciate you taking the time to read! Enjoy your weekend πŸ™
