My wednesday walk was more or less me sourcing for breakfast.

I had woken up this morning craving one of my favorite breakfast in the likes of Akara(fried bean cake), bread and pap.

I thought I’d just get it as I head home from work, since the timing was perfect around 8:10am this morning.

My work place is quite a distance from home, I took a short walk to the tarred road where I boarded a Keke.

I got on the keke and enjoyed the ride as I was on the look out for any street food vendor having my preference on the menu

I got to the community where I live and saw a streetfood vendor selling my choice of breakfast. I got down to purchase but met the shock of my life as the Akara balls was over pricy and too small. I didn’t buy and just decided to walk and be on the look out.

I saw another vendor with an even smaller size of Akara balls for same over pricy amount. By this time I was getting angry as people would just take advantage of the Economic situation of things and be greedy. I was too upset to even take pictures as immediately I was told the price, I walked away.

I kept walking, then I came across a vendor selling eggs. I have been meaning to restock the house with eggs but I have just been too lazy to get it from a cheaper vendor. This vendor is also fair with the price so I got a crate.

Walking still, searching for breakfast.

Alas! I saw smoke 😃, the exciting look on my face BREAKFAST!!!. As I walk closer, I saw it was indeed BREAKFAST🤤

Akarachukwu in all it’s glory 🤤.. I don’t think there’s any Nigerian who hate this deep friend snack.

I took lot of pictures because something actually happened as I waited to be served.

You see the man on grey Tshirt and blue three quarter Jean? He is notorious for harrasing street food vendors.

When I was still running my restaurant, there’s this Muslim girl selling food on a table close to me, and everytime this man will come and pick one or two she’s selling and just eat it, even going further to make an attempt to touch her inappropriately.

On one occassion, she fought him off and he had tried to forcefully touch her in a very abusive manner.

Next, she picked up the nearest stick (firewood)and hit him with it.

He made an attempt to beat her up, but he was quickly over powered by her religious brothers.

He was lucky to had narrowly escaped that day.

Today he came on this street food vendor and just picked a ball of Akara and started eating. The lady selling was upset, and he claimed he wants to buy but the lady refused selling and asked him to leave as she doesnt want any trouble.

But her daughter wasn’t having it, as she wanted to fight him off. The lady had to pacify her so she doesn’t get hurt.

Everytime I see young women and teenagers alike defend themselves and fight for their right, it gladdens my heart 😍🥰

The part she was selling mine 😌

I finished buying and took another walk home


Just exactly how I like it

Was too hungry for another photo of the food, so I’m stealing from my past photos 🤪

Thank you for walking with me




Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)
