The process of drying Asam sunti is typical of Aceh

Hello friends, how are you today and I hope we are all in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

Before I continue discussing the images that I have prepared, it would be good for me to convey my words of respect to all my friends wherever they are and wish the best for all of us. OK Friends, let's look at the pictures that I have prepared.

Hi friends, today I helped my mother dry Asam Sunti, Asam Sunti is a traditional Acehnese food ingredient made from fermented star fruit and vegetables. This fermentation process produces a distinctive sour taste and texture. Usually this sunti acid is used as a spice in dishes, such as curried rice, keueng sour sauce and various other typical Acehnese dishes. The process of drying sunti acid aims to dry and strengthen the taste and texture.

Asam sunti before the fermentation process is carried out, usually after picking the fruit, it is first cleaned by washing several times, this washing process aims to remove dirt and other unwanted materials. After the washing process it is then fermented no later than two nights after it's just been dried in the sun. So, after drying it for one day, then add salt to the acid, then dry it again for three days. The sunti acid that I dried in the sun will probably be ready to be processed in one day. The careful drying and fermentation process will produce sunti acid which has the perfect taste, aroma and texture to enrich the taste of traditional Acehnese cuisine.

There are many recipes that use sunti acid as a complementary ingredient in dishes such as krueng sour sauce, and various other typical Acehnese dishes. Sunti acid is usually blended first with the cooking spices, then stir-fried. With patience and cooking skills, you can create delicious and authentic dishes using sunti acid as the main ingredient. For friends who visit our area, namely Aceh, don't forget to taste the typical foods in Aceh.

OK hiver friends, those are some pictures that I can show to all my friends. Hopefully these pictures can make you all visible and make beautiful pictures for us to see together. Thank you to all friends who have supported me and encouraged me and see you again in my next post.

Note: I first wrote the article above in Indonesian, which is my own language, then I translated it using English with the help of Goggle.


Yes, it is a very good and very perfect activity, namely drying boh limeeng
