The long wait has finally arrived.

Hello friends, how are you today and I hope we are all in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

Today, Friday 19 April 2024, I am very happy to be able to show you again some interesting images that I have prepared. Before I continue discussing the images that I have prepared, it would be good for me to convey my words of respect to all my friends wherever they are and wish the best for all of us. OK Friends, let's look at the pictures that I have prepared.

The rain, the rain I had been waiting for so long finally fell. The rain that fell in my village today was very heavy and the long wait through the extreme dry season, the hot temperatures that gripped me during the dry season made this wait even more pronounced. Rainwater falling from the sky flooded the land that had long been dry, bringing back color to villages that had long looked pale during the drought.

My villagers came out of their homes to enjoy this moment by smiling and talking to each other about how this rain brought hope and relief to all. The rice in the rice fields in my village, too, probably feels very happy with the rain water which has not wet its leaves for a long time. However, this time the rain fell, the rice plants and other plants were also very happy. Here I will show several images that I have provided below.

The sound of rain splashing on the roof tiles of my house became a calming natural music background. People sitting in my coffee shop started ordering coffee while enjoying this moment that had been waiting for a few months ago. The atmosphere in my coffee shop today started to become busy with laughter and stories of people sharing with each other. The view in my coffee shop became fresher with the lights starting to dim and the air cool due to the rain. Creating a warm and friendly atmosphere this afternoon among the visitors at my coffee shop.

As time went by, the rain began to subside. But I still feel the warmth and cheerfulness in my coffee shop. The visitors at my coffee shop one by one started to go home with feelings of relief and hearts full of gratitude tonight, the rain has reminded everyone, especially me, of the simple beauty of life and the power of nature that is always there for us all.

OK hiver friends, those are some pictures and a little story about the rain in my village this afternoon, which I can show to all my friends. I hope these pictures can make you all visible and make them into beautiful pictures for us to see together. Thank you friends. everyone who has supported me and encouraged me and see you again in my next post.

Note: I first wrote the article above in Indonesian, then I translated it using Google into English


After the rain, hopefully the mushrooms will grow well. I saw in the picture that my friend showed quite heavy rain.


With this kind of weather we have right now, we are also wishing for the rain. I'm glad that it finally rain in your village. Seems like y'all been waiting for it and now it happened. Everyone is joyous ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


Yes, we have been waiting for a long time and thank God it is raining now.
